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Cannot RIp a CD & What is the current version?

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  • Laura Balsam

    • Oct 2024
    • 2

    Cannot RIp a CD & What is the current version?

    I have dbpoweramp 16.6, is there a newer version? I could not find the current version number on your website.

    I would like to upgrade (if there is a newer version) because I am hoping that might solve my rippinjg problem.

    I have tried with two separate CD's bought at different times. I thought the first disk was defective, but I am still having problem a problem with the second disk.

    DBPA Ripper shows the disk and track information correctly and can play the tracks. It changes the usual destination folder to my main music finder when it fails.

    DBPA only gets as far as the first track. I see "Re-Rip [2892 frames}" in a red box.

    The log file contains
    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'D:\Music\Lake Street Dive\Good Together\01 Lake Street Dive - Good Together.flac'
    Track 1: ERROR Ripping LBA 0 to 15078 (3:21) in 8:18. Filename: D:\Music\Lake Street Dive\Good Together\01 Lake Street Dive - Good Together._

    After it fails it does not go on to try other tracks.

    My USB CD reader is plugged directly into my PC, but I have never had problems ripping other CD's.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Your version is quite old:

    Anyhow, the error looks like it cannot write to D:\Music

    check that location exists and can be written to.


    • Laura Balsam

      • Oct 2024
      • 2

      I will buy and update to the newest version. I just tested and I can write to the directory.

      Thanks for the info.


