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DBPoweramp not recognising external drive

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  • Mister C

    • Jul 2017
    • 9

    DBPoweramp not recognising external drive

    • Mister C Today, 04:54 PM
      Hi All. I have just upgraded to the latest release of dBPoweamp for my new Macbook Pro M3, using an external SuperDrive (New). The problem I’m about to describe also presented itself exactly the same on my old 2103 MacBook Pro running Catalina. On inserting a disk, Apple Music fires up and finds the disc metadata and is ready to import with no issue. Fearing it may be fighting with dBPoweramp, I set the drive properties to ‘do nothing’ when a disc is inserted. With dB launched before or after the disc is inserted I get stuck with the prompt ‘Looking for disc’ - After about 10 minutes, the CD drive dialogue box goes blank and I can select the SuperDrive and rip without issues. During the ‘looking for drive’ period, you can hear the optical pickup bouncing around a little.
      Is this a bug or am I missing something simple? I’ve never had this issue before. I’ve only just noticed it as I haven’t ripped in a while. I Hope you have a solution other wise I’m going to have to rip with Apple Music and that presents a headache for me. Best, C
  • Mister C

    • Jul 2017
    • 9

    Update: All of my issues are resolved by switching from Accurate Rip to Burst. I guess I’ll just rip and pray. But any advice will be welcome.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      If you had C2 pointers enabled then uncheck them, on the secure settings page.

