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Sony Optiarc DVD-RW AD-7280S - how to fix this problem?

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  • krafty
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Dec 2021
    • 74

    Sony Optiarc DVD-RW AD-7280S - how to fix this problem?

    Hi folks,

    So, my drive is acting up a bit weird, but you will understand... this drive is a little brutal to load the disc, the tray moves fast and recently I have been noticing that the disc, when is inserted, is not correctly in balance with the holding part core. So, when the disc starts spinning, it produces an annoying sound as if the disk is not inserted correctly. The drive will produce a lot of "humming". But it is not all times. If I keep trying, the disc will eventually fit right inside and the sound of the spin will be normal, like a hiss.

    Everything seems right with the drive, visually and the tray is alright. But a brand new disc, perfectly flat, will not spin flawlessly all times. I was wondering whether something can be done to the drive or if there is a tutorial to fix that part which holds the CD inside (don't know the name), but it might be a bit loose, just a bit.

    I love this Optiarc, it is really fast to rip, miles away ahead of iHAS models and has an offset of +48. I've seen there are brand new ASUS models around but all have a +6 offset. And ASUS drive also died on me once.

    So what do you think? Is it time to get a new drive really or is there any thing one can do to fix this problem?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Likely need a new drive

