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What does it take in order to add a new drive to the database?

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  • Discogenes

    • Aug 2015
    • 16

    What does it take in order to add a new drive to the database?


    I have a new drive, the LG HL-DT-STDVDRAM GP57EW40, which is not detected by AccurateRip.
    I needed to insert three "Key Discs" until I got the "Congratulations" message.
    My questions:

    How many people need to do the same as me in order to add the drive to the database?
    Do I have to submit any rip result? If so, how many 100% accurate rip results I need to submit manually?
    How much it take to add a new drive to the database once it receives the required data?
    Is there any other data that needs to be submitted?
    Why well-known CD maxis cannot be "Key Discs"? Why only very best seller albums worldwide? Any plains to increase the number of "Key Discs"? Sometimes it's very hard to find one.

    Many thanks in advance
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: What does it take in order to add a new drive to the database?

    >How many people need to do the same as me in order to add the drive to the database?


    > Do I have to submit any rip result? If so, how many 100% accurate rip results I need to submit manually?

    Yes it has to be submitted, it does not matter about 100% accurate

    > How much it take to add a new drive to the database once it receives the required data?

    When the database is rebuilt, once a month

    > Is there any other data that needs to be submitted?

    No, it is fully automatic


    • Discogenes

      • Aug 2015
      • 16

      Re: What does it take in order to add a new drive to the database?

      Thanks Spoon.
      What is required for a normal disc to become a "Key Disc"? Any minimum number of equal submissions? Any minimun number of tracks?
      I have hundreds of CD maxis and I can't use the best sellers for configuring AccurateRip.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: What does it take in order to add a new drive to the database?

        No minimum number of submissions, there is a minimum of 4 tracks I think.

