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Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

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  • BeAsTMode4MVP

    • Jun 2015
    • 8

    Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

    Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC. My computer is a Lenovo IdeaCentre H535.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

    Any should do these days, have a look on ebay go for the most popular cheap card.


    • BeAsTMode4MVP

      • Jun 2015
      • 8

      Re: Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

      can anyone post some brands & model*s you have had success with old plextors, lite-ons, teacs? Reading reviews online, adapter seem hit-or-miss.


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

        Originally posted by BeAsTMode4MVP
        can anyone post some brands & model*s you have had success with old plextors, lite-ons, teacs? Reading reviews online, adapter seem hit-or-miss.
        You'd be better off asking this on a PC hardware forum. I doubt there will be many users here running PCs with separate IDE controller cards.


        • BrodyBoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2011
          • 779

          Re: Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

          Originally posted by mville
          You'd be better off asking this on a PC hardware forum. I doubt there will be many users here running PCs with separate IDE controller cards.
          +1 That's pretty dated definitely a question better suited to a hardware forum.

          Can I ask what hardware you're using that requires an IDE interface? Your Windows 8 PC should be new enough that it has adequate SATA connectors and a SATA optical drive....


          • Eyerex

            • Jun 2015
            • 2

            Re: Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

            Hello i'm about to do the same thing but in a different way as have a Plextor Premium which i want to reuse but i'm now using a SATA only motherboard so have bought a AONS IDE TO SATA Converter Adapter which plugs onto the back of the drive

            Should have tomorrow will report back if it works or not


            • BeAsTMode4MVP

              • Jun 2015
              • 8

              Re: Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

              Originally posted by BrodyBoy
              +1 That's pretty dated definitely a question better suited to a hardware forum.

              Can I ask what hardware you're using that requires an IDE interface? Your Windows 8 PC should be new enough that it has adequate SATA connectors and a SATA optical drive....

              I would prefer a SATA drive, but I have not found one that handles c2 errors well & can Overread. DO you have any recommendations?


              • Eyerex

                • Jun 2015
                • 2

                Re: Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

                My AONS IDE TO SATA Converter Adapter turned up and i tried everything to get it to work but it wouldn't show up in the bios or windows

                Maybe it's due to my combo of sniper m3 motherboard and plextor premium just don't know


                • BrodyBoy
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Sep 2011
                  • 779

                  Re: Recommend A IDE Controller Adapter Card For Windows 8 64bit PC

                  Originally posted by BeAsTMode4MVP
                  I would prefer a SATA drive, but I have not found one that handles c2 errors well & can Overread. DO you have any recommendations?
                  Sorry, I do not....maybe the drive thread has that kind of info? (I haven't looked at it in a long time.) Taking another tack on this, I would re-consider the C2 requirement. Unless you know there's some specific reason you need that capability, it's not only not necessary, but it may just add complication and potential issues to your setup.

                  I think the combination of AccurateRip and ultra-secure ripping adequately ensures that your rips are perfect. I've used dBp with C2 disabled for years...with several different computers, probably a dozen different drives, and 10s of thousands of rips....and never had an issue. I think I had one CD once, many years ago, that I couldn't rip. Didn't work in any drive. I can't say whether C2 correction would've helped with it, but that it's such a miniscule failure rate that it could in no way justify the cost or hassle of buying a different optical drive just to try. (Probably just a bad CD.)

                  If your existing SATA drive works, and you have lots of CDs that exist in AccurateRip, you least for the time being...get to ripping those. If you set aside any CDs that cannot rip accurately or securely, and that turns out to be a sizable stack (which would probably suggest some other issue with your setup), perhaps then you could look into using a different computer or drive for those.

