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Number of files in folder

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  • Gimi

    • May 2015
    • 4

    Number of files in folder


    I have finished ripping all my CDs, everything seemed to have worked fine.

    However, I have a question about the number of files that appear in a folder. When I open a folder of a specific album I see all the single songs plus + extra file with the description of the ripped results. Let's say it is 10 songs + 1 file = 11 files in total. However, if I point at the folder, right click and look in properties it says the folder contains 16 files, 5 more that the ones I can see. I have done this for few albums/folders and it looks like the number of files that is mentioned under "properties" is always 5 more vs. the actual ones I can see when I open the folder.

    In other words, looks like there is something systematic (the 5 extra files mentioned for each folder under properties vs. the files I can actually see). Can somebody help me to better understand why, what it is?

    Many thanks. Gimi
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: Number of files in folder

    It is likely that Windows Media Player is writing hidden album art, you would have to enable the option in Windows Explorer to view hidden and system files.

