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Getting dupllicate song titles within each albnum rip

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  • wdesbrow

    • Feb 2015
    • 49

    Getting dupllicate song titles within each albnum rip

    I am using BDPA to rip (mainly cd's) to a NAS drive where the music and metadata will be pulled by a PC using JRMC and pushed to a D/A converter in an OPPO 105. Almost every rip is going perfectly, but in most cases I end up getting duplicate listings within each album. Currently, I am ripping to My Music in Windows -- then dragging to a folder in either "Computer" or "Network" in a Windows page. From there, my NAS drive is wired into my router so the new folder shows up after it is automatically imported into JRMC.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: Getting dupllicate song titles within each albnum rip

    are you moving or copying the files from my music to the NAS? If copying, perhaps some setting in JRMC is picking up both the files on your NAS and the original files on the PC on which JRMC is running (which I assume is where you also run dbpa ripper). I've never used JRMC, but is it possible, within JRMC, to drill down into the properties of a track to see the actual file/directory location?

    Also, when you see duplicate listings, will BOTH of these play?

