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7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

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  • TRC2015

    • Apr 2015
    • 15

    7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

    I'm new to the forum...installed the reference trial download today.
    I ripped 13 cd's to pc and when I started to check out the files, I found 7 cd ripped files that have no sound when I play(all info shows in properties panel). The other files play fine.
    I'm running dbpoweramp in default setup.
    Anyone have a clue why there is dead slience on some? At a loss why.
    Win7, sp1, latest win updates.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

    Which audio format do you rip to? Did accuraterip verify those problem discs?


    • TRC2015

      • Apr 2015
      • 15

      Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

      All rips were to .wav. I just did a recount, I ripped 22 cd's, 10 have no sound when playing in any media player. These files report sizes in the 50Mb range so I assume all data is there.
      Some cd's were verified and some were not. I can not remember if those with no sound were the ones that was not verified. I wish I kept track on the ones that were not! Is there a log of the ripping events kept somewhere?
      I can say that the ones that were not verified, I re ripped as "Secure". Was that bad" It's my first time using a rip program..been using windows media player. Amateur ripper here.
      Thanks for any help you can offer...TRC2015

      Edit for clarity: When I say files sizes are "50Mb", I meant that each song in the cd is about 40 to 50Mb...not the whole cd. Also, all cd's in question, have all ready been ripped by windows media player and are playable.
      Also in properties panel, I see reports for ALL tagging information/everything else provided by dbpoweramp.
      Last edited by TRC2015; April 30, 2015, 12:40 AM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

        Download Audacity:

        Download Audacity for free. A free multi-track audio editor and recorder. Audacity is a free, easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Audacity is free software, developed by a group of volunteers and distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

        Then load one of the problem files, it will visually show the audio inside the file. You to test with a known good file to see what it should look like, it can also play the files.


        • TRC2015

          • Apr 2015
          • 15

          Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

          I installed Audacity, opened a problem wave form showing, but will play(time scrubber will move). The file is 44.3MB.
          I re ripped two of the no sound problem cd's...accurip reported inaccurate, but have sound. I did not re rip to "secure" mode this time.
          I think I may be causing this stopping the BURST mode rip, and starting over with the SECURE mode?
          Thanks again for the help


          • TRC2015

            • Apr 2015
            • 15

            Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

            Ok, I've re ripped 5 more cd's that had the no sound issue, only this time accuriterip was able to verify all songs unlike yesterday.
            I can also confirm that the no sound rips were the ones that I stopped the BURST rip and restarted and finished the rip in SECURE mode.
            Is this improper use of DB cd ripper?
            Also, I have another question about using DB cd ripper...Can I leave cd ripper open continuously, ripping disk after disk, or do I close the program after EACH ripped cd? The reason I ask is because just about every cd I ripped yesterday, the last track would not be verified by accuriterip when keeping cd ripper open disk after disk(22 to be exact). Today, I am closing cd ripper after each rip and the last track issue is no longer happening.
            Any insight on the issues I am experiencing would be helpful...thanks.


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5936

              Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

              Something odd is happening on your end. you shouldn't need to close dbpa after each rip. Also, you shouldn't be stopping burst then moving to secure in the middle of a rip. Why are you not setting it up as ULTRASECURE. Then it will use burst, compare to AR database and if you get a good rip it finishes. If there is no AR match it will automatically move to SECURE mode with no intervention from you. You're trying to use dbpa in a way that is not necessary. See:


              • TRC2015

                • Apr 2015
                • 15

                Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

                Hi garym,
                Yes, I read that setup guide but misunderstood what that setting was for...newbe here. I have it set that way now.
                I'm a bit confused on what the workflow is when ripping using DB. Tried to find a youtube video to learn how to use DB properly, but could not find one. What mode do you choose first, BURST or SECURE? How do you decide?
                As far as the last track issue being reported as inaccurate going away by restarting DB cd ripper after each rip, is now back. Ripped 5 cd's, 3 had all tracks verified, 2 had the last track unverified. Is this normal?
                If I re rip the last track again, it still reports unverified/inaccurate.
                Thanks garym for help on this...I really like this program, collecting cd data is tons better than M$ media player.


                • garym
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Nov 2007
                  • 5936

                  Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

                  You don't choose burst or secure. Instead you choose Ultrasecure in the options and you're done. No moving back and forth as this is all automatic.

                  It is NOT normal for the last track to always be insecure. But some CD/DVD units work better than others. It may be that your CDRom reader doesn't work that well. I've seen examples where when it doesn't work well it often fails on the last track or two. But this is not a dbpa issue. Rather it is a CD/DVD drive issue typically.


                  • TRC2015

                    • Apr 2015
                    • 15

                    Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

                    Ok, thanks for the info...have one more question, in the cd ripper options> Ripping Method, do I tick BURST or SECURE? Not sure what to set this at. I think the default setting was at BURST.
                    Sorry for the confusion.


                    • garym
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Nov 2007
                      • 5936

                      Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

                      Originally posted by TRC2015
                      Ok, thanks for the info...have one more question, in the cd ripper options> Ripping Method, do I tick BURST or SECURE? Not sure what to set this at. I think the default setting was at BURST.
                      Sorry for the confusion.
                      Under ripping method you select SECURE. Then in Secure Settings, you select ULTRASECURE and associated options as described in ripping setup guide. Then you're done. You don't have to change back and forth.


                      • TRC2015

                        • Apr 2015
                        • 15

                        Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

                        Thank you garym for all your help on this...sorry for the confusion on my part, just could not wrap my head around why there is a BURST mode and a SECURE mode. My thinking was, BURST is for cd's in new condition, where as SECURE was for cd's that were scratched/badly damaged or could not be verified by AR. That's why I was operating DB in an unusual way.

                        I guess I'll be sending back my new Matshita UJ8B0(Rosewill USB 2.0 ROD-EX002) to Amazon and try another drive.
                        Thank you again garym for helping me out on this...back to ripping about 300 more.


                        • garym
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Nov 2007
                          • 5936

                          Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

                          Originally posted by TRC2015
                          Thank you garym for all your help on this...sorry for the confusion on my part, just could not wrap my head around why there is a BURST mode and a SECURE mode. My thinking was, BURST is for cd's in new condition, where as SECURE was for cd's that were scratched/badly damaged or could not be verified by AR. That's why I was operating DB in an unusual way.

                          I guess I'll be sending back my new Matshita UJ8B0(Rosewill USB 2.0 ROD-EX002) to Amazon and try another drive.
                          Thank you again garym for helping me out on this...back to ripping about 300 more.
                          before you send back the drive, try it with "detect C2 errors" unticked and see if that helps. And sometimes a particular CD rips better on one CD drive instead of another. And cost of these drives is not usually relevant either. So having a couple of different CD/DVD drives can actually be useful.

                          p.s. Happy to help. We all have to learn this stuff and we all start somewhere. Keep in mind that even a brand new CD can have issues. But that's the beauty of dbpa. Set it on ultrasecure and it will TRY to use burst (and do it very fast if it has an AR match), but if not it will automatically move on to SECURE.


                          • TRC2015

                            • Apr 2015
                            • 15

                            Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

                            Ok, I will try changing that setting and see what happens. If I set this back to "detect C2 errors", should I tick the setting below "6Kb transfers(C2 pointers over usb/firewire? This is a usb drive. DB reports that this drive is able to detect C2 errors.
                            Also DB is reporting a "Drive Read Cache" of 4Kb on this drive...seems much to low?

                            I just ran Opti Drive Control CD DVD Rom tester and got some failures, so I'll have to check this drive out further tonight.

                            Thanks again garym for the advice and great support.


                            • garym
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Nov 2007
                              • 5936

                              Re: 7 out of 13 ripprd files have no sound

                              Originally posted by TRC2015
                              Ok, I will try changing that setting and see what happens. If I set this back to "detect C2 errors", should I tick the setting below "6Kb transfers(C2 pointers over usb/firewire? This is a usb drive. DB reports that this drive is able to detect C2 errors.
                              Also DB is reporting a "Drive Read Cache" of 4Kb on this drive...seems much to low?

                              I just ran Opti Drive Control CD DVD Rom tester and got some failures, so I'll have to check this drive out further tonight.

                              Thanks again garym for the advice and great support.
                              i can't recall, but doesn't spoon say 1024 cache is the no brainer setting for cache no matter what is reported? If so, I'd use 1024

