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Metadata loaded from playlist file

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  • MauriceFrank

    • Mar 2015
    • 3

    Metadata loaded from playlist file


    I have a lot of CDs from small local bands, and the metadata lookup often finds nothing, so I have had to type in the metadata.

    In some cases I already have a playlist file created by a previous rip with other software, but I am using dbPoweramp to get better quality rips now.

    If no metadata is found, is there any way to get the metadata read from a file on my computer?

    I am not an audio expert, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. i did try searching for an answer here first.

    Thanks for your help

    Maurice Frank
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Metadata loaded from playlist file

    Sadly not.


    • garym
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2007
      • 5936

      Re: Metadata loaded from playlist file

      Originally posted by MauriceFrank

      I have a lot of CDs from small local bands, and the metadata lookup often finds nothing, so I have had to type in the metadata.

      In some cases I already have a playlist file created by a previous rip with other software, but I am using dbPoweramp to get better quality rips now.

      If no metadata is found, is there any way to get the metadata read from a file on my computer?

      I am not an audio expert, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. i did try searching for an answer here first.

      Thanks for your help

      Maurice Frank
      If you can export the playlist info to a text file (should be able to) you can import into metadata tags with mp3tag program. And it also handles flac etc. I've done this a lot with live shows where all I have is a text file with song info.


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: Metadata loaded from playlist file

        Originally posted by garym
        If you can export the playlist info to a text file (should be able to) you can import into metadata tags with mp3tag program. And it also handles flac etc. I've done this a lot with live shows where all I have is a text file with song info.
        Yes, garym, but what you are advising only works post rip.

        What is being requested here is importing metadata within CDRipper and not relying on the online metadata databases, which, as I am sure you are agree, is useful but inadequate.

        It is a feature I requested years ago; within CDRipper, import metadata from text, xml, local database, playlist etc.

        Sadly, this feature has not been implemented. The only success I have had in this area is to insert a CD and eject the CD, which then writes a unique reference in the cdplayer.ini file (located in the Windows directory). The cdplayer.ini can then be edited and the data retrieved using CDRipper>Meta (dropdown)>Retrieve From>CDPlayer.ini option. Having said all this, I haven't tried this for many months now and is very limited in what data can be retrieved (which may or may not help MauriceFrank)

        ... just tested this in Windows 8.1 64-bit and dBpoweramp 15.3 beta and the CD reference/data is still being written to windows\cdplayer.ini, so there is still hope that users can at least import artist/title metadata. If it is worth the effort however, is another question.
        Last edited by mville; April 24, 2015, 12:37 AM. Reason: tested writing to the cdplayer.ini


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: Metadata loaded from playlist file

          Good point. Yes, I'm talking post rip. It would be nice to have an option during ripping. I can say that at least it only takes a minute or two to use the mp3tag approach to import the tag info.


          • planalp

            • Jan 2012
            • 9

            Re: Metadata loaded from playlist file

            I am finding that dbpa will read the author name and album name from cdplayer.ini, but not the track titles. The problem comes from similar ones in this thread, where a relatively obscure CD is to be ripper. I have inserted the CD into my computer's drive and queried other online metadata sources. I can see that the track titles have been written into the cdplayer.ini file record...but it appears that only the Album Artist and Title information get into the metadata. Can this be addressed&*8211;shall I file an official bug report?
            thanks, RPP

