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Is there a way to tell if i used the burst method or secure in a rip?

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  • Sathlin

    • Mar 2015
    • 11

    Is there a way to tell if i used the burst method or secure in a rip?

    I wanted to use secure for all my cds. but i had to use the burst method for some because secure wouldn't work on them. I guess i forgot to put it back on secure afterwards.
    How big of a deal is it? is there any way to tell what method i used by checking any parameter or anything?

    What does it actually mean when a track is 'inaccurate' i would briefly listen to the rip and it sounded fine.

    thanks all,
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Is there a way to tell if i used the burst method or secure in a rip?

    If you have an Accurate Rip verification it is not an issue, the files are 100% correct. PerfectTUNES can en-mass check and display the accuraterip status for your library.


    • Sathlin

      • Mar 2015
      • 11

      Re: Is there a way to tell if i used the burst method or secure in a rip?

      and what does it actually mean if a rip is inaccurate? what does it mean when i listen to that rip?


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: Is there a way to tell if i used the burst method or secure in a rip?

        Originally posted by Sathlin
        and what does it actually mean if a rip is inaccurate? what does it mean when i listen to that rip?
        Take a look at the log that was created when you ripped the CD (should be saved in the same subdirectory). this might tell you. Regarding what it means: provide more detail. Does it say "error" or "warning" or just "inaccurate" (not matched in AccurateRip database)? If the latter, it only means it wasn't matched. This is not that uncommon. Still could be a perfectly secure rip. For error or warning, there "could" be a problem, but in many cases I've not heard any audible problem when listening to tracks that had an error or were 'insecure'. It all depends on the extent of the error.


        • Sathlin

          • Mar 2015
          • 11

          Re: Is there a way to tell if i used the burst method or secure in a rip?

          Originally posted by garym
          Take a look at the log that was created when you ripped the CD (should be saved in the same subdirectory). this might tell you. Regarding what it means: provide more detail. Does it say "error" or "warning" or just "inaccurate" (not matched in AccurateRip database)? If the latter, it only means it wasn't matched. This is not that uncommon. Still could be a perfectly secure rip. For error or warning, there "could" be a problem, but in many cases I've not heard any audible problem when listening to tracks that had an error or were 'insecure'. It all depends on the extent of the error.
          Awesome, thanks for the reply.

