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New User Problems...

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  • alkaseltzer

    • Mar 2015
    • 6

    New User Problems...

    Hi All,

    I just started ripping a few CDs with the trial version with no problems until I think I just ejected a disc while it was being read.

    Now the program is having all sorts of problems, just hanging, not displaying any track information in the main window, although metadata & cover art is sometimes shown in the appropriate window.

    I've uninstalled the program and re-installed it about 5 times and still the same thing is happening, so I decided to uninstall it and buy the reference version. Each time I uninstalled the program it came back with the path to the folder I created on my NAS, so I'm hoping there's a way to completely uninstall it and reset it!

    Installed reference, and the problems still exist, so now stuck and unable to do anything!

    System is 2011 15" MacBook Pro, latest version of Mavericks, using inbuilt drive and ripping to Synology DS213j NAS across the network.

    I successfully ripped 13 CDs until the problem started.

    Even the error window pops up and gives a jaggy image of my desktop behind it!

    I managed to save the error report, please see below:

    Exception name: NSUnknownKeyException
    Exception reason: [<CDDATrack 0x600000052690> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key composer.
    Additional information:
    NSTargetObjectUserInfoKey = "<CDDATrack: 0x600000052690>";
    NSUnknownUserInfoKey = composer;
    0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff908e166c __exceptionPreprocess + 172
    1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff99deb76e objc_exception_throw + 43
    2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff908e1209 -[NSException raise] + 9
    3 Foundation 0x00007fff9a1133dd -[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForUndefinedKey:] + 226
    4 Foundation 0x00007fff9a030bf8 -[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) valueForKey:] + 385
    5 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x00000001056fe75d -[CDRipperTrackListViewHandler viewForTrack:in:] + 480
    6 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x00000001056fef38 -[CDRipperTrackListViewHandler tableView:viewForTableColumn:row:] + 122
    7 AppKit 0x00007fff98c00480 -[NSTableView(NSTableViewViewBased) makeViewForTableColumn:row:] + 76
    8 AppKit 0x00007fff98bff791 -[NSTableRowData _addViewToRowView:atColumn:row:] + 300
    9 Foundation 0x00007fff9a05cb7c __NSIndexSetEnumerate + 1256
    10 AppKit 0x00007fff993659ba __56-[NSTableRowData reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes:]_block_invoke994 + 241
    11 AppKit 0x00007fff98bc410b -[NSTableRowData enumerateAvailableRowViewsUsingBlock:] + 240
    12 AppKit 0x00007fff9936566d -[NSTableRowData reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes:] + 509
    13 AppKit 0x00007fff9919c870 -[NSTableView reloadDataForRowIndexes:columnIndexes:] + 327
    14 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x00000001057002eb -[CDRipperTrackListViewHandler refreshColumnSet:] + 169
    15 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x00000001057005e9 -[CDRipperTrackListViewHandler refreshColumns:] + 471
    16 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x0000000105700705 -[CDRipperTrackListViewHandler reloadMetaColumns] + 82
    17 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x00000001056ff9f6 -[CDRipperTrackListViewHandler cdRipperMetaChanged:] + 47
    18 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x000000010563d5b5 -[CDRipperMainView dispatchMetaChanged:] + 261
    19 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x000000010563dd4c -[CDRipperMainView updateFixedMetaValues] + 191
    20 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x000000010563e6f9 -[CDRipperMainView onBeginRip:] + 131
    21 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x000000010563ebc9 -[CDRipperMainView onButtonRip:] + 122
    22 libsystem_trace.dylib 0x00007fff9528acd7 _os_activity_initiate + 75
    23 AppKit 0x00007fff98d29b71 -[NSApplication sendAction:to:from:] + 452
    24 AppKit 0x00007fff98d29970 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 86
    25 AppKit 0x00007fff98eff86c __26-[NSCell _sendActionFrom:]_block_invoke + 131
    26 libsystem_trace.dylib 0x00007fff9528acd7 _os_activity_initiate + 75
    27 AppKit 0x00007fff98d72509 -[NSCell _sendActionFrom:] + 144
    28 libsystem_trace.dylib 0x00007fff9528acd7 _os_activity_initiate + 75
    29 AppKit 0x00007fff98d8d085 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 2775
    30 AppKit 0x00007fff98d8c2b9 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 491
    31 AppKit 0x00007fff98d8b899 -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 714
    32 AppKit 0x00007fff99289a18 -[NSWindow _reallySendEvent:] + 12721
    33 AppKit 0x00007fff98d1016e -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 446
    34 AppKit 0x00007fff98cc2451 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4183
    35 AppKit 0x00007fff98b4e608 -[NSApplication run] + 711
    36 AppKit 0x00007fff98b39a14 NSApplicationMain + 1832
    37 dBpoweramp Music Converter 0x0000000105712b31 main + 283
    38 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff989325c9 start + 1

    App version: Release 1.1
    OS version: Version 10.10.2 (Build 14C1510)

    Please help, as I've bought the program and wanted to rip everything after hearing how much better it sounds than iTunes!

    Thanks in advance,

  • alkaseltzer

    • Mar 2015
    • 6

    Re: New User Problems...

    Apologies, did the rubbishy forum thing of not looking though posts before posting...

    R1.2 downloaded and working, however does that not give the benefits of the purchased reference version?




    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44847

      Re: New User Problems...

      It should be the same functionality as reference, just time limited.


      • alkaseltzer

        • Mar 2015
        • 6

        Re: New User Problems...

        Thanks Spoon,

        So no difference in ripping performance?

        Sorry, not being familiar with the software I wasn't sure whether options like secure rip make a difference to the rip quality.

        And dare I ask, any chance of a refund for the time being, seeing as I've paid for a version that doesn't work?




        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44847

          Re: New User Problems...

          No difference in quality, the beta version is reference with the fix.


          • alkaseltzer

            • Mar 2015
            • 6

            Re: New User Problems...

            Hi Spoon,

            That's great, thanks for confirming.



