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Artwork issue.

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  • daleyb
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2014
    • 235

    Artwork issue.

    On Original cds where no artwork as come up (even though track/metadata has) is it O.k to just go into id tags in windows DBPA After ripp.and get image off where ever download it and add on each track.(load file) .this seems to work.

    is there anyway of getting artwork once and putting it to all tracks.Or is the only way to load file and capture artwork for each individual track...???
  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1812

    Re: Artwork issue.

    Hey daleyb,

    select all tracks, right click "Edit ID-Tag" and choose the artwork you like.

    Dat Ei


    • BrodyBoy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2011
      • 779

      Re: Artwork issue.

      Originally posted by daleyb
      On Original cds where no artwork as come up (even though track/metadata has) is it O.k to just go into id tags in windows DBPA After ripp.and get image off where ever download it and add on each track.(load file) .this seems to work.

      is there anyway of getting artwork once and putting it to all tracks.Or is the only way to load file and capture artwork for each individual track...???
      You can always add artwork post-rip, as Dat Ei described, but it's also very easy to add it during the rip.

      I find it's very rare to get literally no options for CD artwork. In CD Ripper, you've tried clicking on "Choose Art" and waiting a few seconds for the "Choose Album Art" page to start populating? If there are occasions when that method doesn't return a suitable cover image, the next easiest method is to open a browser window, search for it yourself, and then just drag and drop the one you like onto the CD image in CD Ripper (where the album art should be displayed). Note that the thumbnail images returned in a google search are pretty'll typically want to click the image and use a larger size.


      • schmidj
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2013
        • 526

        Re: Artwork issue.

        I have my scanner next to me when ripping CD's. Many of my CD's are Caribbean, and do not have readily available art. I have found it much faster, if the ripper doesn't find art near the top of the choices, to simply scan the CD art by clicking on the "+", selecting scan and scanning. Faster than even scrolling to the bottom of 100 possible but usually wrong choices. And it will be a high res scan. Far faster than searching the Internet.

