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Metadata input...

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  • daleyb
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2014
    • 235

    Metadata input...

    When inputting metadata for "homemade" there any way of setting the meta tags ie. Artist title etc... once for all tracks. Every time i go into new track i have to reset all tags.

    Ive got round this by typing all artists name at top of screen then entering next track-then back to top for next artist name and so on.../.When all artists complete-i then type all titles in.

    Also i would prefer artist first then title.( To be honest thats just easier for me-due to the way ive wrote on my cd covers)...but maybe a choice in format/options could be included somehow-to let folk have a preference. 15.3..???

    Also, i appreicate there maybe some inconsistencies in a program like DBPA-due to large No. of CDS.
    but find it strange that some cds that are copies of originals-show metadata (great-no input needed!)and artwork...Cus somewhere id tags have formatted to the copy cd-Yet some Original cds show no artwork and dont even appear in Perfect Tunes to let me fix them .Strange.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Metadata input...

    You can select track 1, type the artist, and press enter, it moves to track 2 where you can type the artist. Once done then do track names, by selecting a track then click F2.


    • BrodyBoy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2011
      • 779

      Re: Metadata input...

      Originally posted by daleyb
      Also, i appreicate there maybe some inconsistencies in a program like DBPA-due to large No. of CDS.
      but find it strange that some cds that are copies of originals-show metadata (great-no input needed!)and artwork...Cus somewhere id tags have formatted to the copy cd-Yet some Original cds show no artwork and dont even appear in Perfect Tunes to let me fix them .Strange.
      Like every other ripping program, dBp accesses online databases to obtain metadata. It can't control which CDs are present in those databases.


      • daleyb
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Oct 2014
        • 235

        Re: Metadata input...

        Thanks Spoon...The press enter works perfect and has speeded me up no ends. Howvever the F2 Track info dont seem to work-it dont really matter though.I just press enter again on tracks and it does the same thing-if it works-it works!!

