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CD Ripper is not communicating with Windows anymore?

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  • Bernhard Lindge

    • Jan 2015
    • 2

    CD Ripper is not communicating with Windows anymore?

    Hi, I'm using the CD Ripper Version 15.1 R. Coming back from Holidays the Ripper starts but doesn't do anything.

    Here's the German message from Windows:

    Aufgrund eines Problems kann dieses Programm nicht mehr mit Windows kommunizieren.

    Problemereignisname: AppHangB1
    Anwendungsname: CDGrab.exe
    Anwendungszeitstempel: 53aaa80c
    Absturzsignatur: c688
    Absturztyp: 0
    Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
    Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 1: c688740d686d20a2bf95dfca945c663b
    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 2: b15a
    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 3: b15acf1febd7625dafb57a980f90fbca
    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 4: c688
    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 5: c688740d686d20a2bf95dfca945c663b
    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 6: b15a
    Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 7: b15acf1febd7625dafb57a980f90fbca

    Problem still exists even after having downloaded the latest Ripper Version and updated Windows.

    Any idea?

    Thanks, Bernhard
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: CD Ripper is not communicating with Windows anymore?

    Run dBpoweramp Configuration and enable the debug option on the Music Converter tab. Then start CD Ripper, close when hangs and in notepad a debug log should show, copy and paste here please.


    • Bernhard Lindge

      • Jan 2015
      • 2

      Re: CD Ripper is not communicating with Windows anymore?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Run dBpoweramp Configuration and enable the debug option on the Music Converter tab. Then start CD Ripper, close when hangs and in notepad a debug log should show, copy and paste here please.

      Here it is:

      Using SCSI PassThrough [clCDDA::SetCommunication]
      ->-> [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
      Quitting Meta Thread: Quit
      ->-> [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
      Got drive C:\ ** not CD Rom, type: 3 [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
      Got drive D:\ CD ROM [cddaSCSIPassTru::FillDriveList]
      <-<- [clCDDA::ReturnDriveList]
      ->-> [clCDDA::ReadTOC]
      LBA FirstIndex: 1 last Index: 5
      Type: Audio Track 1 LBA Address: 0 Length: 00:09:11,533
      Type: Audio Track 2 LBA Address: 41365 Length: 00:09:47,933
      Type: Audio Track 3 LBA Address: 85460 Length: 00:05:37,627
      Type: Audio Track 4 LBA Address: 110782 Length: 00:11:37,200
      Type: Audio Track 5 LBA Address: 163072 Length: 00:09:23,467
      Type: Lead Out LBA Address: 205332
      MSF FirstIndex: 1 last Index: 5
      Type: Audio Track 1 MSF: 0/2/0 Length: 00:09:11,533
      Type: Audio Track 2 MSF: 9/13/40 Length: 00:09:47,933
      Type: Audio Track 3 MSF: 19/1/35 Length: 00:05:37,627
      Type: Audio Track 4 MSF: 24/39/7 Length: 00:11:37,200
      Type: Audio Track 5 MSF: 36/16/22 Length: 00:09:23,467
      Type: Lead Out MSF: 45/39/57
      Track 01: LBA Start: 0 LBA End: 41365 LBA GapStart 41162 (00.02 Frames 53)
      Track 02: LBA Start: 41365 LBA End: 85460 LBA GapStart 85277 (00.02 Frames 33)
      Track 03: LBA Start: 85460 LBA End: 110782 LBA GapStart 110607 (00.02 Frames 25)
      Track 04: LBA Start: 110782 LBA End: 163072 LBA GapStart 162827 (00.03 Frames 20)
      Track 05: LBA Start: 163072 LBA End: 205332 LBA GapStart 205332 (00.00 Frames 00)
      Adding Index Track 01: Index 1 Index LBA 0 (ABS Time 00:00:00) LBA Track Start: 0 LBA Track End (gap removed): 41162 LBA GapStart 0
      Adding Index Track 02: Index 0 Index LBA 41162 (ABS Time 09:08:62) LBA Track Start: 41365 LBA Track End (gap removed): 85277 LBA GapStart 41162
      Adding Index Track 02: Index 1 Index LBA 41365 (ABS Time 09:11:40) LBA Track Start: 41365 LBA Track End (gap removed): 85277 LBA GapStart 41365
      Adding Index Track 03: Index 0 Index LBA 85277 (ABS Time 18:57:02) LBA Track Start: 85460 LBA Track End (gap removed): 110607 LBA GapStart 85277
      Adding Index Track 03: Index 1 Index LBA 85460 (ABS Time 18:59:35) LBA Track Start: 85460 LBA Track End (gap removed): 110607 LBA GapStart 85460
      Adding Index Track 04: Index 0 Index LBA 110607 (ABS Time 24:34:57) LBA Track Start: 110782 LBA Track End (gap removed): 162827 LBA GapStart 110607
      Adding Index Track 04: Index 1 Index LBA 110782 (ABS Time 24:37:07) LBA Track Start: 110782 LBA Track End (gap removed): 162827 LBA GapStart 110782
      Adding Index Track 05: Index 0 Index LBA 162827 (ABS Time 36:11:02) LBA Track Start: 163072 LBA Track End (gap removed): 205332 LBA GapStart 162827
      Adding Index Track 05: Index 1 Index LBA 163072 (ABS Time 36:14:22) LBA Track Start: 163072 LBA Track End (gap removed): 205332 LBA GapStart 163072
      <-<- [clCDDA::ReadTOC]
      ->-> [frmMain::GetMeta]
      ->-> [clMetaData::GetMetaData]
      ->-> [clMetaCDText::GetMetaData]
      ->-> [clCDDA::ReadCDText]
      <-<- [clCDDA::ReadCDText]
      CDText Not Found
      <-<- [clMetaCDText::GetMetaData]
      <-<- [clMetaData::GetMetaData]
      ->-> [frmMain::MetaDataGot]
      Meta Instant Get Pass
      <-<- [frmMain::MetaDataGot]
      Creating Meta Thread
      <-<- [frmMain::GetMeta]
      ->-> [clMetaData::GetMetaData]
      ->-> [clMetaData::GetIntelMetaData]
      <-<- [frmMain::RefreshTrackListing]
      ->-> [clMetaData::SaveMetaData]
      <-<- [clMetaData::SaveMetaData]

      The CD is a CD Extra with some Multimedia parts on it (Comes each month with the Guitar Techniques Magazin) but this worked all the years before.

      Again, thanks a lot!



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: CD Ripper is not communicating with Windows anymore?

        Can you try a different CD (without debug on), a non-cd extra disc please.

