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A few questions on ripping (secure & log)

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  • comptech520

    • Mar 2012
    • 8

    A few questions on ripping (secure & log)


    1. I get a green exclamation next to some tracks after ripping (no red X AR(x) either). I see by looking at the documentation ( Since there is no AR(x) next to it, what does that mean?

    2. How can I get a log to come up with the issues of tracks after I rip? I tried some settings and it would not work.

    3. One of my CDs is scratched, while using secure ripping, it re-ripped several frames. I just cancelled it and went to re-rip is with Burst. There was issue with playing it. Why is it that if Secure can't rip it correctly, and burst works fine?

    4. Suggestion: play wav file when CD is done ripping.

  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: A few questions on ripping (secure & log)

    Originally posted by comptech520

    1. I get a green exclamation next to some tracks after ripping (no red X AR(x) either). I see by looking at the documentation ( Since there is no AR(x) next to it, what does that mean?

    2. How can I get a log to come up with the issues of tracks after I rip? I tried some settings and it would not work.

    3. One of my CDs is scratched, while using secure ripping, it re-ripped several frames. I just cancelled it and went to re-rip is with Burst. There was issue with playing it. Why is it that if Secure can't rip it correctly, and burst works fine?

    4. Suggestion: play wav file when CD is done ripping.

    1. not in front of computer, but I think with green "secure" outcome, it just means secure and no AR match was available. Keep in mind that AR matches aren't availble for everything (particularly brand new CDs and it may take a month to make it into the database).

    2. A complete log should get written to the same subdirectory as your album tracks as a txt file named with artist/album name.txt. There's a ripping options setting where you tell it to save the "complete" ripping log.

    3. burst just does the best it can, even if there are errors. That's why one uses Secure.

    4. clarify. Why? Are you ripping to WAV? (and by the way, I would NOT want this to happen automatically. When I'm ripping CDs, I'm not also listening to those same CDs.)


    • cpprioli

      • Jan 2013
      • 12

      Re: A few questions on ripping (secure & log)

      I think that he means that he'd like to have an audible alert to indicate the the rip has completed -- some sort of an event alert sound...


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: A few questions on ripping (secure & log)

        Originally posted by cpprioli
        I think that he means that he'd like to have an audible alert to indicate the the rip has completed -- some sort of an event alert sound...
        aha. that makes more sense. One can select the setting to eject the disk when ripping is done. that will indicate as well.


        • comptech520

          • Mar 2012
          • 8

          Re: A few questions on ripping (secure & log)


          Correct. I meant the audable alert when the CD is done.

          Ok - So to work on my question 2. So I have two computers on my desk. I am working on one doing whatever and the other one I am ripping. If there is an error, I won't know about it since the drive ejects the disc after It's done. Is there a way for a popup if there is an error or a popup log in general after the CD is done?



          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: A few questions on ripping (secure & log)

            Originally posted by comptech520

            Correct. I meant the audable alert when the CD is done.

            Ok - So to work on my question 2. So I have two computers on my desk. I am working on one doing whatever and the other one I am ripping. If there is an error, I won't know about it since the drive ejects the disc after It's done. Is there a way for a popup if there is an error or a popup log in general after the CD is done?

            I get a popup log upon completion of every rip. I have to click on the close button at the bottom of the log to close it to get back to just seeing the dbpa ripper screen. Perhaps you haven't set this to display. To set this, in the dbpa ripper home screen, click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the OPTIONS button (don't click the options button, but the arrow to its right). Then select "after ripping" then tick both "display error log" and "display information log"

            to make sure the rip log is saved and has complete info, go into OPTIONS in the dbpa ripper main page, then select "secure settings" to the right of SECURE under ripping method. Then scroll to bottom of that popup page and tick "write to file" and "add to file...". Also under report contents, use dropdown box to the right of this to select "complete"


            • Porcus
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Feb 2007
              • 792

              Re: A few questions on ripping (secure & log)

              Originally posted by comptech520
              1. I get a green exclamation next to some tracks after ripping
              I think a mouseover will tell you that it means it had to re-rip individual frames.

              Originally posted by comptech520
              3. [...] Why is it that if Secure can't rip it correctly, and burst works fine?
              Burst does not really work fine, it just doesn't see nor report the errors.

