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Secure rip log question

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  • skypilotpete

    • May 2009
    • 37

    Secure rip log question

    I really appreciate the "complete" secure extraction log. It means that I can identify exactly where the frame errors are, and listen to those sections of tracks. I have found by trial and error that even tracks with large numbers of frame errors may still be perfectly listenable. Because I am mainly ripping audiobooks, it is not at all important to me that the rip is listed as "secure" - only that it is clearly understandable. So, my purpose in using the "secure" setting is purely to get a log of where the errors are, so that I can then listen to them to see if they are acceptable or not. However, my problem is that even selecting the minimum secure settings, it seems to take an incredibly long time to complete a secure rip. For example, I've just done a secure rip of 2 tracks, which I know have large numbers of errors, but which are perfectly listenable. I did a secure rip using the following settings: Maximum Re-Reads = 1; Set Drive Speed = Maximum; Secure Rip Abort: none selected; Drive Read Cache: None selected.
    Track 1 had 119 frames to re-rip, and it took 28 minutes. Track 2 had 392 frames to re-rip, and it took 1 hour 2 mins.

    Is there any way to get a complete report on which frames are faulty, without it taking this long?

    I run Windows 7 64 Home Premium
    CPU: intel Core i7 4770 3.40GHz
    Motherboard: ASRock Z87 Pro4
    16 GB Ram DDR3
    DVD/CD Drive: Liteon iHAS324 W SCSI DVD/CD-Rom (updated firmware 2014-11-22)
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Secure rip log question

    It must be the drive its self which is slowing right down, with maximum re-reads set to 1, the program goes as quick as it can.


    • skypilotpete

      • May 2009
      • 37

      Re: Secure rip log question

      Thanks for the reply. When you say "the drive", do you mean the DVD/CD Drive? Are some faster than others? My Liteon iHAS324 is relatively new. Do you think that I could I speed things up by getting a different drive? Or are there any drive settings I could fiddle with anywhere?

      From your experience, is 28 minutes to rip a track with 119 frame errors, and 1 hour to rip a track with 392 frame errors, unusually slow, indicating that I could potentially speed things up significantly if I made the right changes?

      My overall system is pretty new and much faster than anything I have ever owned before. So the system itself ought to be capable of doing most jobs as fast as most new computers.


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: Secure rip log question

        Originally posted by skypilotpete
        From your experience, is 28 minutes to rip a track with 119 frame errors, and 1 hour to rip a track with 392 frame errors, unusually slow, indicating that I could potentially speed things up significantly if I made the right changes?
        those ripping times with frame errors seem quite long based on my experience.


        • dbfan
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Jan 2011
          • 937

          Re: Secure rip log question

          Some drives such as Sony optiarc slow down to 0.1x ripping speed on scratches


          • skypilotpete

            • May 2009
            • 37

            Re: Secure rip log question

            Originally posted by mrspoonsi
            Some drives such as Sony optiarc slow down to 0.1x ripping speed on scratches
            Can you suggest a drive that maintains a high speed when encountering scratches or other frame errors?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Secure rip log question

              Sorry we do not have any recommendations.

