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Change Smart Capitalize Tags to Title Case

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  • wondermouse

    • Sep 2009
    • 39

    Change Smart Capitalize Tags to Title Case

    Hi Spoon and everyone,

    I would really like to be able to change the options for the Smart Capitalize Tags function in the CD Ripper.

    Firstly, for some reason, Smart Capitalize seems to cap some words, while leaving others in lower case. I don't know what logic or grammar rules think that "The Night you Murdered Love", "Love me do" "You only Hurt the one you Love" or whatever is somehow right. (I think it's the Big and Important words have Caps while small words are less important so have lower case rule, which is not grammatically correct!)

    The "correct" case (at least in my opinion!) should be Title Case where Every Word in A Song Title Has A Capital Letter.

    I know Some People seem to Think that they Prefer the Mixed case, but it's not right - ask any sub editor.

    Anyway my request is... I'd like to be able to have an option to set Smart Capitalize to Title Case, so I don't have to do this by hand. (If there is already an option I seem to have missed it)

    Also there's a teeny weeny bug here. When using square brackets fopr example in [Deluxe Edition], Smart Capitalize changes the first character after the [ to lower case, Eg [deluxe Edition]

    PS: It should read Smart Capitalise for British English :-)
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44842

    Re: Change Smart Capitalize Tags to Title Case

    Use the non-smart capitalize option if you want every word doing.


    • wondermouse

      • Sep 2009
      • 39

      Re: Change Smart Capitalize Tags to Title Case

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Use the non-smart capitalize option if you want every word doing.
      Thanks for the reply, I thought you'd already have sorted this! My problem is that I can't find where to set this option.

      I've looked in the help where smart capitalize doesn't bring up anything.

      I've looked in options but I can't see it under Meta Data and ID Tag options.

      Couldn't see it in "review metadata" either.

      I'm sure I'm being dim but could I have a clue where to find this option? Thanks and BOO for Halloween.


      • Dat Ei
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2014
        • 1812

        Re: Change Smart Capitalize Tags to Title Case

        You're not using R15 (or higher), right?

        Dat Ei


        • BrodyBoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2011
          • 779

          Re: Change Smart Capitalize Tags to Title Case

          Originally posted by wondermouse
          The "correct" case (at least in my opinion!) should be Title Case where Every Word in A Song Title Has A Capital Letter.

          I know Some People seem to Think that they Prefer the Mixed case, but it's not right - ask any sub editor.
          You don't need a sub editor (or grammatical rules) to format a song title. The "right" capitalization, just like the "right" spelling, would be that used by the songwriter, regardless whether you consider it correct. No computer program can anticipate artists' preferences, so the most authoritative source would presumably be the CD packaging and insert.

          But Some People seem to think they prefer Title Case.....

          Anyway my request is... I'd like to be able to have an option to set Smart Capitalize to Title Case, so I don't have to do this by hand. (If there is already an option I seem to have missed it)
          Here's how you can set dBp to capitalize the first letter of every word:
          • In CD Ripper, select the DSP tab, down near the bottom where there are three vertical tabs....Meta, Encoder, and DSP.
          • If not already in use, add the ID Tag Processing DSP. (You may need to go to Codec Central to download it. After downloading, double-click to install.)
          • Click on the ID Tag Processing DSP "Settings" button to open its options window.
          • Select the "Manipulation" tab, and scroll down to the Capitalization section.
          • Slect the drop-down capitalization menu (where it currently says "(no capitalization changes)"
          • Select the "Capitalize First Letters" option.
          • Click "OK" to save your changes.

          PS: It should read Smart Capitalise for British English :-)
          ....and Inteligente Capitalizar for Spanish. What's your point?

          PS: You're not being dim. It takes awhile to figure out where all the various options and settings are buried in dBp.


          • wondermouse

            • Sep 2009
            • 39

            Re: Change Smart Capitalize Tags to Title Case

            Originally posted by BrodyBoy
            You don't need a sub editor (or grammatical rules) to format a song title. The "right" capitalization, just like the "right" spelling, would be that used by the songwriter, regardless whether you consider it correct. No computer program can anticipate artists' preferences, so the most authoritative source would presumably be the CD packaging and insert.

            But Some People seem to think they prefer Title Case.....

            Here's how you can set dBp to capitalize the first letter of every word:
            • In CD Ripper, select the DSP tab, down near the bottom where there are three vertical tabs....Meta, Encoder, and DSP.
            • If not already in use, add the ID Tag Processing DSP. (You may need to go to Codec Central to download it. After downloading, double-click to install.)
            • Click on the ID Tag Processing DSP "Settings" button to open its options window.
            • Select the "Manipulation" tab, and scroll down to the Capitalization section.
            • Slect the drop-down capitalization menu (where it currently says "(no capitalization changes)"
            • Select the "Capitalize First Letters" option.
            • Click "OK" to save your changes.

            ....and Inteligente Capitalizar for Spanish. What's your point?

            PS: You're not being dim. It takes awhile to figure out where all the various options and settings are buried in dBp.
            Wow. No wonder I couldn't find it! That's a very well tucked away option :blush:

            Yay! That's one less bit of manual processing to do.

            Now if we could only stamp out the people who put the disc number tag as 1/1 in every disc of a multi CD set (instead of 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3) we'd be laughing!

            Thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

            My small point about British English was that not all English is American English. If you choose to install a program in Spanish then the commands would be in Spanish. I hate it when an app offers English (American) as the only install option instead of either just English. Just being a grumpy old fule!

