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CD Ripping Annoyance

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  • tcp99

    • Aug 2014
    • 1

    CD Ripping Annoyance

    Just purchased program and not impressed at all.

    Left everything at default and changed where I wanted files to go

    I had inserted 20 track audiobook disk and suddenly program decided it is a album by Usher. All tracks are listed and cannot seem to be removed. If I want a db to find info I would like the option of choosing it.

    Looks like I blew my money.

    Also don't like programs that don't offer technical support smnd send you to a forum. Looks like Media Monkey experience all over again.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: CD Ripping Annoyance

    You cannot judge a program on metadata for one CD, when there are 3 million unique commercial CDs in existence.

    Anyhow, click the review metadata button, it might have the correct values for that disc, if not you would have to enter manually, first enter the metadata at the top, such as album, artist, then select track 1 and press F2 to rename, when done press enter to move to the next track.
    Last edited by Spoon; August 19, 2014, 04:53 PM.


    • garym
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2007
      • 5936

      Re: CD Ripping Annoyance

      Originally posted by tcp99
      Just purchased program and not impressed at all.

      Left everything at default and changed where I wanted files to go

      I had inserted 20 track audiobook disk and suddenly program decided it is a album by Usher. All tracks are listed and cannot seem to be removed. If I want a db to find info I would like the option of choosing it.

      Looks like I blew my money.

      Also don't like programs that don't offer technical support smnd send you to a forum. Looks like Media Monkey experience all over again.
      Huh? I'm halfway through ripping ~10,000 CDs and it is very rare that the metadata is not found for a CD. I don't rip audiobooks and I do suspect that they are a lot more challenging than regular music CDs. But I'd recommend that you try to rip a few more CDs, including music CDs, before deciding your opinion of this software. I've found the support here on this forum for the software to be as good as one could ask for. Top notch in all respects. In effect, posting a question here and getting a fast answer is similar to getting Bill Gates and a Microsoft chief engineer to respond to your Microsoft questions within a few hours on a MS forum. That is, very impressive!


      • drjenkins

        • Feb 2006
        • 42

        Re: CD Ripping Annoyance

        Originally posted by tcp99
        Just purchased program and not impressed at all.
        This is really a note for prospective buyers. Please try the full featured trial before you buy. Then you can work out the kinks and ensure dBpoweramp works the way you expected without temporary buyer's remorse.


        • BrodyBoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2011
          • 779

          Re: CD Ripping Annoyance

          Originally posted by tcp99
          If I want a db to find info I would like the option of choosing it.
          Your frustration is understandable, but your annoyance & complaint are misplaced.

          First, you are disappointed in dBp because the online databases didn't seem to have correct info for the audiobook you tried. That's kind of like being mad at your new TV because Comcast's channel line-up isn't what you wanted. dBp accesses the online databases as a convenience, but it can't control the accuracy of their information. While the databases have an extraordinary amount of useful info, and they're a huge time-saver most of the time, there will be some CDs (and apparently audiobooks) that aren't going to be in there, or their info will be less-than-accurate. You have to manually intervene in these cases. This is true with any ripping program.

          Second, you're disappointed in dBp because you can't edit the metadata. This one, I'm afraid, is on you. You do have the option of choosing & editing the data, as Spoon said, by simply clicking "Review Metadata." You're new to the program, so it's to be expected that you don't know all the functions yet. But hitting the help button ("?") or just asking your questions here can quickly get you up to speed on the basics. That's a lot more efficient than assuming the worst and complaining about it.

