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The "Label" Tag - a question

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  • d2b
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2010
    • 215

    The "Label" Tag - a question

    For the first time in our nearly six-year history of ripping CDs to FLAC, for which we used dBpoweramp for the last five years, we see a Label tag appearing in our metadata for the last two CDs we ripped today. In both cases, the tag value was correct.

    Where did this information come from? We've not seen this before today. When reviewing metadata matches, none of the metadata sources appeared to be responsible for this new and welcomed bit of information.

    Is there a place in CD Text on the CD for the publisher to include this? I thought that information was limited to track titles, a single artist, ISRC and UPC data.

    That brings up a related question. Is there a simple application that one can use to read the all of the text metadata that may have been included on the CD?


    Last edited by d2b; August 07, 2014, 08:02 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: The "Label" Tag - a question

    You can uncheck metadata providers then click the Metadata button to see where it came from.


    • d2b
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Aug 2010
      • 215

      Re: The "Label" Tag - a question

      Originally posted by Spoon
      You can uncheck metadata providers then click the Metadata button to see where it came from.
      Seems to me that the Refresh button is the one to click for this purpose. Not sure what the difference is between clicking the Metadata button and the Refresh button, but the latter seems to be the one to us for use for this purpose.

      One would think that after using dBpoweramp CD Ripper for four or five years, we would understand the logic behind the user interface and how to configure it. We don't, and here's why:

      We need to enter metadata when it isn't available from the on-line sources. For example, we always want to enter LABEL information when we rip a CD for our radio station's FLAC-based digital music library. What seems like an obvious way to do this is to create a custom tag called LABEL so that there is a place to enter this information. Otherwise, how would we enter this information, especially for indie artists that don't have any formal label representation?

      However, for reasons that I cannot fathom, creating a custom tag called LABEL overrides (ignores) the sometimes-available LABEL information from GD3 and AMG. The same goes for UPC information which may or may not be on the CD or from on-line resources. To us, this is nonsense. Why should a custom tag entry window added to the Meta pane override and ignore the metadata with the same field name that may be available from one of the on-line sources? For God's sake, please alter this operation so that we can have custom tag entry windows that are first filled by on-line sources or secondly, manually filled by us if the on-line sources don't have the information or if the on-line source is incorrect. This is the way the windows at the top of the screen work. Why the difference for custom tags?

      Until this is fixed, we will stop trying to enter our tags using dBpoweramp CD Ripper. Instead, we will develop a process wherein after ripping a CD, we will use another application (mp3tag, for example) to correct and add the missing tags. It's too bad we have to rely on a second application to rip CDs and tag them correctly.

      I would appreciate it if someone would explain the rationale for ignoring some metadata provided by the on-line sources. If it's not right, we should have the opportunity to review it and edit it before ripping, just like we can do for the Artist, Album, Genre, Year, Album Artist and Composer information at the top of the CD Ripper window.

      Thanks in advance for clarification.


