Hi, I finally took the plunge and purchased the Reference Bundle. I'm getting started on a 700 cd collection and have ripped a couple cd's to get a feel for things. My goal is to rip everything to a NAS as FLAC. I'll use these rips for my main Home A/V system. I'll also be converting the desired tracks and/or albums to m4a files for the apple gear.
If someone could help me understand a few things, I would be ever grateful.
thanks in advance.
If someone could help me understand a few things, I would be ever grateful.
- I've been using "burst" as the ripping method. Why do I need the "secure" method if AccurateRip tells me my rip is good?
- I've been using the ReplayGain DSP with "track & album gain" selected, and in the advanced window it defaulted to EBU R 128 and -18. Are these settings correct?
- I received the following error but couldn't hear anything wrong with the track: (not sure what it means...)Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'C:\Ripped_CDs\Pink Floyd\The Dark Side of the Moon\01 Pink Floyd - Speak to Me.flac'
Warning: Normalisation gain would have resulted in clipping, gain has been reduced to prevent this: Loudness=-30.49LUFS, Gain=12.49dB, Maximum True Peak=-1.00LUFS, True Peak=-10.63LUFS, New gain=9.63dB [clDSP::EndConversion] - On albums that don't actually pause between tracks, is there a way to tell the player not to pause between tracks?
thanks in advance.