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dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

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  • teletube

    • Jun 2014
    • 5

    dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues


    1st of all thanks for this nice program, am currently evaluating and intend to buy, but some things strike me currently a little bit back from buying the family bundle. Actually I found now more than 2 issues, very important are for me 1 - 3:

    Definitively to be fixed before I buy:

    1. When ripping files I require, that "blanks" are replaced by "underscores". dBpoweramp erraneously does this also in the "base path", which results in audio files being stored to a new/wrong directory tree. See screenshot.

    2. I am missing a possibility, to automatically store ripping logs into the target directory, to allow a later review of logfile. With EAC this is possible, here I didn't find a proper option.

    3. When perfect tunes is running (the current batch will last 5h) it doesn't allow to iconize the program, to make some more room on the desktop.

    Maybe discussable with sales:

    4. The trial versions allow for several weeks, but I regard it as a major drawback, that important features can't be tested as they are disabled in the trial software. And this is sad, as I really want to have confidence before paying a program for an reasonable amount of money. I.e. to configure the more safe ripping options or to see how quick the grabbing of audio information from internet from multiple metainfo provider actually works. To check this is a MUST for me to spend this amount of money (for the single program and the bundle).

    Nice to have:

    5. Displaying of version numbers is not Windows compliant. Every windows user expects to find this kind of information in the currently running program. I really dislike having to open the configuration program for this. Its uncompliant to Windows and requires an extra step. And when maybe trying a Beta binary, what is displayed then ?!

    6. The separation of the configuration program and the actual program.

    What I just like very much is, that I could already identify some files, that are corrupt on my PC. I was not aware of this before, so thats really useful. Thanks for this useful program.

    So I hope you could make it easier for me to spend my money to buy the familiy bundle if you fix issue 1 - 3.

    Many thanks upfront
    Attached Files
    Last edited by teletube; June 29, 2014, 01:53 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

    1. It is not possible with dBpoweramp
    2. CD Ripper >> Options >> Secure Settings, enable the option 'Write to File'
    3. There should be a minimize on the smaller scanning window, this should minimize the whole application.
    4. The trial is a full trial, if it has not activated, set your user account to 'Administrator', run dBpoweramp Configuration, then set the account back to 'Limited user'


    • teletube

      • Jun 2014
      • 5

      Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues


      thanks for your reply.

      to 1) its programmable for sure .. it appears to me you do not want to implement it.

      to 4) I installed it freshly and for the 1st time and as I have no license, how should I have activated it ? I installed from this file "dMC-R15.1-Ref-Trial.exe"

      I am running as normal user and executed "Configure dBpoweramp" to be executed "as administrator". There I didn't find the mentioned option.
      Do I really have to logout and re-login as Administrator to be able to change this ? If yes: this is another thing that is very unpractical.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

        1. There is the wishlist section of this forum, popular requests get implemented.

        Normally it should activate the trial, however on some systems which have different security settings it does not activate, there is no logging in or out, just change the current account to administrator rights (with 'Change Account Type'), run configuration then change back.


        • teletube

          • Jun 2014
          • 5

          Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

          to 1) would be good if you would simply fix the bug, its not ok that a new folder structure gets created.

          About the other ideas, you seem not to like them, so why spending more efforts on this ..

          I am not willed at this moment to buy your product .. many open source developer are more motivated and thankful, when people communicate issues and make suggestions.


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

            Originally posted by teletube
            to 1)
            I am not willed at this moment to buy your product .. many open source developer are more motivated and thankful, when people communicate issues and make suggestions.
            Dbpa is not open source software. It is however world class at what it does. And it's author also created and maintains ACCURATERIP which is available for other rippers to use (EAC, etc). AR was a game changer for bit perfect ripping.

            P.s. You may be able to install properly if you simply right click the install exe file and select run as administrator. Very simple.


            • teletube

              • Jun 2014
              • 5

              Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

              Its payware, exactly and you need to pay a reasonable price for this SW. For this reason I am wondering, that an obvious bug (1) can not be fixed.
              The rest is discussable..
              BTW, I am no newbee, I only have certain expectations when buying software.
              Look, Opensource and Freeware have nowadays already a very good quality, so I expect from payware a better attitude than getting an answer like this that it can't be fixed.
              I will continue with EAC, it does also a very reasonable job and does exactly what I want.
              At least it has no really stupid bug like (1) and I like the menue structure more.
              Last edited by teletube; June 30, 2014, 07:06 PM.


              • garym
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Nov 2007
                • 5936

                Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

                Originally posted by teletube
                Its payware, exactly and you need to pay a reasonable price for this SW. For this reason I am wondering, that an obvious bug (1) can not be fixed.
                The rest is discussable..
                BTW, I am no newbee, I only have certain expectations when buying software.
                Look, Opensource and Freeware have nowadays already a very good quality, so I expect from payware a better attitude than getting an answer like this that it can't be fixed.
                I will continue with EAC, it does also a very reasonable job and does exactly what I want.
                At least it has no really stupid bug like (1) and I like the menue structure more.
                Spoon didn't say it couldn't be (or wouldn't be) fixed. He noted that there is a "wishlist" portion of the forum for people to post requests for changes, and that these changes will be considered in due time. In my experience as a user many things have been improved (or "fixed") over time. (And note...I never made any reference to your experience level, newbie or otherwise--I simply wanted to clarify for you and other users that this is not open source software.)


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

                  1 is not overly a clear cut bug as you state, the filename replacement was designed to replace characters where a filesystem will not support those characters, it makes sense then in ':' is not supported in the filename, it is not supported either in the folder names, so for me it is not a bug the replacement is working as designed.


                  • teletube

                    • Jun 2014
                    • 5

                    Re: dbPoweramp woes .. 2 issues

                    You need to distinguish between the BASEDIR, which the user configures to be the toplevel directory for storing the audio files
                    and the rest of the path up to the filename. The Base directory path may not be touched otherwise ill sideeffects happen like
                    that your files will be stores under "Eigene_Musik\...\..." instead of the proper path "Eigene Musik\...\..."

