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Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

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  • d2b
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2010
    • 215

    Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

    I've asked this question before in this forum, and to my knowledge, no one has taken this seriously.


    We must have a straight-forward way to enter the character that correctly displays the mark for a sound recording copyright to display along side the standard copyright symbol ©. This important mark is sometimes referred to a sa phonogram.

    Spoon...this can't be rocket science. I don't know what character set is used in the dialog boxes in dBpoweramp, but surely you can invent (if invention is required) at least a magic keystroke that will insert a proper UTF-8 compliant "P in a circle" where appropriate.

    You see this mark on almost every CD package. Please take his request seriously. If any small town neighborhood graphics artist can produce liner notes with this mark, why can't we?


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

    Open 'Character Map' (comes with Windows), scroll down the list until you find P in circle, copy it to clipboard, once in the clipboard it can be pasted into the tag editor.

    If you constantly need this symbol consider one of the advanced clipboard management programs so it will always be available.


    • Dat Ei
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Feb 2014
      • 1812

      Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

      Hey Dennis,

      to be true - I don't understand your rant. You've asked this question here before, and there have been several answers and solutions. Did you give the a try?

      Dat Ei


      • d2b
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Aug 2010
        • 215

        Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

        Originally posted by Spoon
        Open 'Character Map' (comes with Windows), scroll down the list until you find P in circle, copy it to clipboard, once in the clipboard it can be pasted into the tag editor.

        If you constantly need this symbol consider one of the advanced clipboard management programs so it will always be available.
        I've done this many, many times in the past and was unable to find a proper symbol (U+2117) that rendered correctly when pasted into dBpoweramp. Next to the © symbol, this symbol always looks tiny and superscripted.

        However, this morning I discovered that if I went ahead and ripped a CD using the sound recording copyright symbol preceding the standard copyright symbol ©, the two characters were in fact the same size and acceptable when the resulting tags are viewed in other applications such as mp3tag or when copied and pasted back into a document format such as Microsoft Notedpad or Word.

        May I suggest that you look into the reason why the pasted sound recording copyright symbol does not appear correctly when pasted in as a tag value in dBpoweramp? I realize that this is probably a very minor issue with you, but I think it appropriate that text entered as Vorbis comments are WYSIWYG.

        Rather than encumber myself with a new and overly complex character map manager, for now I'll just leave a Notepad document on the desktop from which I can easily open it and copy the symbol.

        Thanks in advance for any improvements and for your timely suggestions.



        • d2b
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Aug 2010
          • 215

          Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol


          Apparently you have not tried this yourself. The code for the proper symbol is U+2117. Few character sets include this character in a Sans Serif typeface matching the standard copyright character ©. The few that I've found in the Windows Character Map (Arial Unicode MS, Calibri and Cambria) will not permit you to copy and paste them into dBpoweramp (COPYRIGHT=Value) when running version 14.4 on a Windows XP 64-bit workstation. It seemed to work OK on an installation running v.15.0, but I'm not even sure that's consistent. Ottherwise, all I get when pasting is an empty square, implying that dBpoweramp Reference 14.4 cannot reliably render the &*8471; character. For what it's worth, values in Vorbis Comments need to use UTF-8 encoding in order to be compliant with the standard.

          The (p) solution is NOT an acceptable alternative. Neither is a square box.

          Now perhaps you better understand the rant. I suggest you offer a working solution instead of criticizing my posts seeking a reasonable method that works every time and on any viable Windows platform with current and very recent versions of dBpoweramp Reference edition.

          Dennis...aka "d2b"


          • d2b
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Aug 2010
            • 215

            Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

            Do you see what happened to the sound recording copyright symbol that I previously pasted into the reply I made to you above? It looked fine when I wrote the response to you. Spoon surely knows how to fix this problem, or at least knows how to offer a working solution.



            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

              If the symbol is not universal in all fonts then it will not work, there is no way I can fix it so it appears everywhere, it does not even appear in web browsers. Write to the unicode foundation asking for that symbol to be made standard, then in perhaps 8 years when everything catches up with the standard you will have a universal symbol like ©.


              • d2b
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Aug 2010
                • 215

                Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol


                Now that's an answer I understand. Thanks!

                One would like to believe that certain symbols like this that are quite common to products and services worldwide, at least in English-speaking or English-savvy countries, would have been made standard a long time ago. Eight years is probably optimistic.

                It's too bad, because we'd like to properly tag our FLAC files with album and songwriting copyright and publishing rights information.

                Thanks for your help with this topic.

                Dennis, aka "d2b"


                • d2b
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Aug 2010
                  • 215

                  Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

                  I continue to seek an answer to the problem of not being able to incorporate the Sound Recording Copyright symbol in FLAC metadata. I did contact the Unicode Foundation and asked for a solution. Here's the essence of what they said: The Sound Recording Copyright symbol is already defined in Unicode as U+2117. The problem with getting the symbol into the metadata stems from the fact that the character set used to create the UTF-8 "values" in the application in question does not contain that particular Unicode element. Therefore, when one pastes in the character from Character Map or another tool used to find and obtain characters, dBpoweramp shows an empty square box. There are other character sets that do contain the symbol.

                  I admit to not knowing the significant differences between "character sets" and a family of fonts such as Arial Unicode MS Regular or Calibri, both of which support the desired Unicode character.

                  In addition to that, I don't understand is this: What determines the character set used to enter and generate the tags when ripping to FLAC? is it a function of dBpoweramp or is it a function of the keyboard layout and character set used in the Windows 7 environment where the ripping takes place?

                  It seems to me that dBpoweramp CD Ripper ought to be able to use a character set that contains the U+2117 symbol and then write the symbol coded UTF-8 as required for the values of the tags in a FLAC file.

                  Spoon...can you answer those two questions?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: Sound Recording Copyright Symbol

                    It is a function of Unicode characters and the font windows is using for its text boxes. We use standard system controls.

