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CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

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  • Drummerboy

    • Oct 2014
    • 29

    Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

    Originally posted by Oggy
    Hi Drummer boy, how quick was the Sony compared to the internal drive?

    Hi Oggy

    Funny you should ask that. It was quite a bit quicker.


    • Drummerboy

      • Oct 2014
      • 29

      Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

      Originally posted by garym
      First, and most importantly, many drives *report* that they handle C2 Error pointers even though they don't (or don't properly). I've had several drives that report "yes" on C2, but don't work properly with C2 errors checked. So this is not at all unusual.

      Second, it seems unchecking C2 has solved your problem and you are now getting error free rips with AR matches. Again, I've had the exact same issue with several drives. So bottom line, you're all good now. That drive simply doesn't deal well with C2 errors.

      p.s. To make up for this, in my ultrasecure settings, when there is no AR match, I have it do:
      minimum ultra 2
      maximum ultra 4
      stop after 2 clean passes

      Thanks a lot. Makes sense and good to know this can happen quite a lot with different drives. I thought that might be the case. And thanks for your subsequent reply regarding the multiple AR results

      On a couple of cd's (which are maybe problem cd's with scratches etc.) whereas my internal drive originally showed some tracks with errors (in red) whilst the Sony drive also did not manage to rip these tracks with any Accurate Rip matches, it did nevertheless say that these tracks were "Secure" (i.e. in green). I think on a previous reply that you sent me a while ago to a different question I raised about ripping, you said that this was still a fairly satisfactory result. I guess a positive Accurate Rip match would have been ideal though and I suppose I could try that particular disc with another external drive


      • Oggy
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2015
        • 697

        Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

        Originally posted by Drummerboy
        Thanks a lot. Makes sense and good to know this can happen quite a lot with different drives. I thought that might be the case. And thanks for your subsequent reply regarding the multiple AR results

        On a couple of cd's (which are maybe problem cd's with scratches etc.) whereas my internal drive originally showed some tracks with errors (in red) whilst the Sony drive also did not manage to rip these tracks with any Accurate Rip matches, it did nevertheless say that these tracks were "Secure" (i.e. in green). I think on a previous reply that you sent me a while ago to a different question I raised about ripping, you said that this was still a fairly satisfactory result. I guess a positive Accurate Rip match would have been ideal though and I suppose I could try that particular disc with another external drive
        I think you'll go through a lot of drives or copies of discs trying to get an AccurateRip on every disc. Give it a clean, try again and see the result - a Secure rip is very good!

        It is a good idea to try different drives. As you've found, people will either give you them, or you can buy them cheap. I've now settled on a 7 year old Lite-On, which hasn't had any problems with copy protected discs (yet!) and rips quickly, fairly quietly and accurately. It's between 2-3 times the speed of the internal drive.

        Happy and accurate ripping!



        • downtimeguy

          • Nov 2015
          • 1

          Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

          For those who would like to use the highly rated Matshita / Panasonic UJ-85J without much fuss, I recently found a supplier to install a new UJ-85J in an external USB enclosure. The drive I received is an UJ-85J-C old stock from Feb 2007. It seems there were so many manufactured for Apple macbook pro line that there are plenty of new drives still available. The C revision is the typical version and reports simply as UJ-85J to the system. There exists a B revision, but the supplier does not believe there are any other versions.

          The enclosure is a mini ATA/IDE to USB controller and came with dual USB cables for both data and power. I use EAC with a test music CD reporting positive results from AccurateRip. So far, this UJ-85J over USB has tackled a difficult collection of short stories on CD where my stock laptop drive couldn't tackle the last track on each disc.

          For the USB enclosure:
          Visit for the latest in storage solutions and portable accessories for your Macintosh.

          Use the MCE email contact link, or try Arnie at:

          Arnie installed the drive in a black version of the enclosure, including a nice bezel with spiffy priority shipping. He warned me that the eject button would not function and discs must be ejected by the system instead. All around fantastic service with a reasonable price.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	external_867_front.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	91.9 KB
ID:	293034Click image for larger version

Name:	external_867_rear.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	91.3 KB
ID:	293035


          • Drummerboy

            • Oct 2014
            • 29

            Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

            Originally posted by msheridan
            Well, what you can conclude is that drive impacts recognition of the "album". Different AccurateRip numbers (significantly different, and higher during a previous rip) - mean that the software believes the same CD to actually be different "versions" of the same album, and so is comparing to a different set of data.

            AccurateRip is of use mostly when you have a disc in good shape but your drive can't detect errors (or is bad at correcting them accurately) or when the disc is damaged and you want to check if the read was as faithful as possible. But - it all depends on the signature of the disc that the drive is able to produce and whether or not there have been a significant number of contributions with the same signature. Its a disc read comparison - not a song comparison.
            Hi everyone.

            Following my post number *42 replying to garym, I have ripped some more of the "problem" tracks from cd albums using the external Sony drive to which I have referred in these recent posts and which msheridan comments on above. I also unchecked "C2 error pointers" as garym had suggested. The results have been mixed. For some of the discs that had, for example, originally reported errors on only specific tracks of the album (with Accurate Rip confidence matches on the rest of the album tracks) these have ripped the one or two problem tracks showing an Accurate Rip match. So what I now have is all the tracks on the particular albums ripped with Accurate Rip matches, but from using two different drives for the album. Taking what msheridan said above about it being a "disc read comparison, not a song comparison", does it really matter that I now have a whole album of tracks with 100% of them showing Accurate Rip matches, but which has resulted from ripping some tracks on one drive and the others using the other drive? Or should I strictly be ripping the whole album again using my external Sony drive and overwriting the accurate rips that I had previously got from using my internal drive? For example, I previously ripped "Brothers in Arms" by Dire Straits on internal drive and only the last track "Brothers in Arms" reported an error. So I re ripped just this single track using the Sony drive and it produced an Accurate Rip. I then simply cut and pasted this single track into the original album folder that I had created from the original rip, overwriting the original one that had errors.

            Other discs that I have re ripped using the Sony drive have still reported errors after 2 clean passes (Ultra Secure 1 and 2). So I will have to find another drive to try for these.


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5940

              Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

              If the tracks show AR matches, even from different drives, you're good. No need to rip them all from a single drive. An AR match is an AR match!


              • Oggy
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2015
                • 697

                Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

                Out of interest I've just tried out five of my CD drives, including the Matshita / Panasonic at the top of this list. Bought a brand new CD and attempted to rip.
                Internal HP drive came up with multi thousand frame re-rip, aborted.
                2 year old external TSST drive came up with errors, aborted.
                Matshita UJ-85J gave an AccurateRip reaching X19.
                Old Asus ide, via USB powered adapter, gave AccurateRip reaching X 28.
                Lite-On ide, via adapter, gave AccurateRip reaching X 42.

                The Asus and Lite-On have never failed me on Copy protected CDs, the Matshita works on some, the TSST is next best and internal drive not wanted to know on the most discs.

                I guess this is mostly down to the firmware, but really I offer no explanation. I stick to older 5.25" ide drives, as these seem to read all discs at faster speeds. Tried HP, Asus and Lite-On so far. Picked up a LG ide drive for £2 yesterday (with 3 month warranty), so you really don't have to spend a lot of money to get fast, reliable AccurateRips.


                • Octave

                  • Feb 2016
                  • 1

                  Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

                  Hi - Really appreciate the extra mile Spoon goes to publish/share these information every year. Has anyone managed to find CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2015 version yet or currently pending?


                  • Oggy
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2015
                    • 697

                    Re: CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2014

                    Originally posted by Octave
                    Hi - Really appreciate the extra mile Spoon goes to publish/share these information every year. Has anyone managed to find CD/DVD Drive Accuracy List 2015 version yet or currently pending?
                    No, but Spoon has posted the 2016 list, maybe this could be made a Sticky?
                    Last edited by Oggy; March 11, 2016, 06:27 PM.

