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Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

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  • Shape

    • Apr 2014
    • 5

    Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for some help with a few issues a client of mine has been experiencing.

    He has a Cyrus stream XP, Western Digital my book live duo NAS drive and is ripping his tracks using DB power amp.

    The issue he is experiencing is that all tracks appear in alphabetical order when using the Cyrus Stream XP. However, When we look on the NAS drive, all the tracks appear in the correct order. The WD server is not Twonkey as what was on the older and newer one as far as I know.

    Is there a way I can get the tracks to rip to allow the artist/albums and tracks to be displayed in the correct order without having to get an alternative NAS drive?

    Any advice would be much appreciated.
  • PepsiCan
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2014
    • 106

    Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

    I assume that when you look on the NAS drive you use a computer or mobile device or something? The order you see on your NAS drive is whatever order you make it show. Standards windows stuff: sort by date, sort by name, sort by whatever. Is there no option in the streamer itself or in the control app to search or change the sort order?

    It could also be that what you refer to is the naming convention of the ripped file names. In that case, in DBPowerAmp create your own custom naming convention in the box on the bottom left.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

      By default dBpoweramp writes filenames with track numbers, so they will appear in order, the issue will be the UPnP software on the NAS, it will be using something else to decide track order (other than filename).


      • Shape

        • Apr 2014
        • 5

        Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

        Originally posted by Spoon
        By default dBpoweramp writes filenames with track numbers, so they will appear in order, the issue will be the UPnP software on the NAS, it will be using something else to decide track order (other than filename).
        So the tracks that have been ripped will appear in the correct order? i.e how the tracks appear on the album?

        I have ripped it into two different location folders, one is Sonos the other for Cyrus XP use. When I access them via Sonos all appears in track order, when I access via the Cyrus they are in alphabetical order.. The Cyrus does not have its own server built in and relies on the NAS to sort the tracks, according to Cyrus Technical.

        Everything points to the NAS in my opinion, so unless you guys have any advice I'll be getting in contact with WD again.. :(


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

          I suspect you are naming the files with title and your Cyrus sees that and uses alphabetical. Sonos is using the tags themselves (so understands the track order). Try ripping (or editing your ripped files) to give them an actual FILE NAME (not just metadata tags) with the track number. So instead of the file showing up as:


          it will be:
          01 - filename.mp3
          02 - filename.mp3

          Use dynamic naming string to do this using:

          [track] - [title]

          note: set dbpa options to use 01, 02, 03, etc. for track numbers (otherwise a NAS that uses the file name will put 10 and 11 before 2, 3, 4, etc.
          in place of


          • Shape

            • Apr 2014
            • 5

            Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

            Originally posted by garym
            I suspect you are naming the files with title and your Cyrus sees that and uses alphabetical. Sonos is using the tags themselves (so understands the track order). Try ripping (or editing your ripped files) to give them an actual FILE NAME (not just metadata tags) with the track number. So instead of the file showing up as:


            it will be:
            01 - filename.mp3
            02 - filename.mp3

            Use dynamic naming string to do this using:

            [track] - [title]

            note: set dbpa options to use 01, 02, 03, etc. for track numbers (otherwise a NAS that uses the file name will put 10 and 11 before 2, 3, 4, etc.
            in place of
            Thanks for the information.. I'll check this out and get back to you, but I'm certain the files are appearing as you have recommended.

            Thanks again


            • Shape

              • Apr 2014
              • 5

              Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

              Good Evening guys, I know it's been a while but the issue is still on going with WD.

              When I search music on the stream XP under artists then all appears correctly. However, when I go to the root folder where the music is stored for the Cyrus then it still appears in alphabetical order.

              I'm using the default string which gives me this as an example - Madonna\immaculate\disc 1\05-Holiday

              Does this look correct for tracks to appear in the correct order?

              The Cyrus allows you to access music in the following ways.

              All music
              Artist index

              Music only appears in alphabetical order via album.. Is the default string correct or would it need altering?


              • Shape

                • Apr 2014
                • 5

                Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

                This is the full string

                [IFCOMP]compilations\[album] [IFMULTI] \Disc [disc] []\[track]-[title]-[artist] [] [IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist] []\[album][IFMULTI] \Disc [disc][]\[track]-[title][]


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

                  The filename is not being used by the WD, so it would not matter what you call the files.


                  • Ratvandal

                    • Aug 2014
                    • 13

                    Re: Cyrus Stream XP, WD duo, DB pow ramp issues

                    I have a Cyrus Lyric 05 and have the same problem. Cyrus spout a load of rubbish about servers, it boils down to how they design their apps. If they wanted to they could get Cadence (their app) to sort by Track Number as opposed to the Title field, many other player apps do this including Marantz, Yamaha, and Cambridge Audio. My solution has been to add the track number to the title field when ripping and also post rip if needed. ( See the post from a couple of days ago). This ensures that whatever the criteria the album is played in the correct order.

