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Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

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  • jonkomar

    • Mar 2014
    • 4

    Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

    When I first started using the batch ripper with DBPoweramp R15 and my new Nimbie NB21-MBR, my FLAC files came out great. I'm not sure what I did, but now my FLAC files are all tiny and don't work at all. Each song is no more than 18K in size.

    Has this happened to anyone else?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

    Try using CD ripper without batch ripper, see what settings are set.


    • jonkomar

      • Mar 2014
      • 4

      Re: Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

      Thanks Spoon,

      I can rip from my PC's DVD drive with no problems using CD Ripper. However, when I use Batch Ripper and my Nimbie, the same problem happens again for both FLAC and MP3 files. The files are no more than 10K in size and don't work as audio files.

      Any other thoughts?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

        Use CD ripper and use the drive in the nimbie, manually load a disc by hand.


        • jonkomar

          • Mar 2014
          • 4

          Re: Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

          Ah ha! When I manually loaded a disc in the nimbie, it correctly ripped the songs in FLAC and MP3. So, does this mean that I need to change the settings in Batch Ripper?

          Thank you so much for your help Spoon. I'm really excited to use DBPoweramp and get my whole CD collection finally ripped!


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44847

            Re: Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

            Perhaps reconfigure the settings, remove and re add any DSP Effects.


            • jonkomar

              • Mar 2014
              • 4

              Re: Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

              After weeks of trying many things, I've come a long way, but still have problems. The Nimbie rejects about 50% of my CDs because of read errors. For most of these CDs, it cannot read 1-2 tracks, but the others work fine. This happens if I use batch ripper or if I manually load a CD into the Nimbie. However, I don't get any errors with the same CDs if I use dBPoweramp using one of my PCs DVD drives, so I know that it isn't the CD. Any other help would be appreciated.

              Below is a cut and past of my error log:

              Information ripping to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 1' to 'E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\I Feel Loved.IGNORE'
              Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 35895 (7:58) in 0:32. Filename: E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\I Feel Loved.IGNORE
              AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 13) [Pass 1]
              CRC32: AD5FEA09 AccurateRip CRC: 641C0F1A (CRCv2) [DiscID: 005-0009321b-002d8c74-510f1806-1]
              AccurateRip Verified Confidence 13 [CRCv2 641c0f1a]
              AccurateRip Verified Confidence 15 [CRCv1 5ae1f706]

              Information ripping to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 2' to 'E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\1 - I Feel Loved.IGNORE'
              Track 2: ERROR Ripping LBA 35895 to 60652 (5:30) in 0:23. Filename: E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\1 - I Feel Loved.IGNORE
              Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 60647 ripping 6 frames track end LBA 60652)

              Information ripping to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 3' to 'E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\2 - I Feel Loved.IGNORE'
              Track 3: Ripped LBA 60652 to 89020 (6:18) in 0:20. Filename: E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\2 - I Feel Loved.IGNORE
              AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 13) [Pass 1]
              CRC32: C4BE16A1 AccurateRip CRC: 335F6F7D (CRCv2) [DiscID: 005-0009321b-002d8c74-510f1806-3]
              AccurateRip Verified Confidence 13 [CRCv2 335f6f7d]
              AccurateRip Verified Confidence 15 [CRCv1 cb218cb5]

              Information ripping to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 4' to 'E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\3 - I Feel Loved.IGNORE'
              Track 4: Ripped LBA 89020 to 127255 (8:29) in 0:24. Filename: E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\3 - I Feel Loved.IGNORE
              AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 13) [Pass 1]
              CRC32: 004CB13F AccurateRip CRC: EDDAD838 (CRCv2) [DiscID: 005-0009321b-002d8c74-510f1806-4]
              AccurateRip Verified Confidence 13 [CRCv2 eddad838]
              AccurateRip Verified Confidence 15 [CRCv1 46243548]

              Information ripping to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 5' to 'E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\Dirt.IGNORE'
              Track 5: Ripped LBA 127255 to 149642 (4:58) in 0:13. Filename: E:\Music\CD Library\FLAC\Depeche Mode\I Feel Loved [US CD-12']\Dirt.IGNORE
              AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 13) [Pass 1]
              CRC32: 1917C111 AccurateRip CRC: CE08EF3F (CRCv2) [DiscID: 005-0009321b-002d8c74-510f1806-5]
              AccurateRip Verified Confidence 13 [CRCv2 ce08ef3f]
              AccurateRip Verified Confidence 16 [CRCv1 929855e9]


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44847

                Re: Problem with ripping to FLAC with Nimbie NB21-MBR

                Potentially the CD drive in the Nimbie is faulty.

