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R15 Newbie - 1st time use - setup problems

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  • lightsout

    • Feb 2014
    • 2

    R15 Newbie - 1st time use - setup problems

    I'm a newbie registered user (R15) and I'm having a a few issues getting up and running. I have looked through the forum for help but can't find answers to my questions so I'm hoping for a little help from others.

    Here are my problems.....

    1) AccurateRip does not offer to calculate the offset for my drive. My drive (TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L632N) seems to be listed on but nevertheless the CD Ripper Options dialogue shows that AccurateRip is "waiting for key disc to find offset" despite trying twenty or so listed key discs. Am I missing something here, from what I have read this should happen automatically shouldn't it?

    2) The Artist, Album and track names of the inserted discs are not being shown, should this data be fetched automatically or should I be instigating it somehow?

    3) No album artwork is being found. At what point after inserting a disc should the artwork appear? (I suspect this is not happening due to Issue 2 above).

    All help appreciated. Thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: R15 Newbie - 1st time use - setup problems

    All 3 are related, either:

    1) you have security software which is blocking dBpoweramp from accessing the internet (a firewall)
    2) the option in dBpoweramp Configuration >> Music Converter: 'Allow dBpoweramp to Access the Internet' is not checked
    3) Your internet connection requires proxy settings


    • lightsout

      • Feb 2014
      • 2

      Re: R15 Newbie - 1st time use - setup problems


      You absolutely correct dBpoweramp Configuration >> Music Converter: 'Allow dBpoweramp to Access the Internet' was not checked.

      All three issues are now fixed.

      Thanks for the prompt response.

