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Corer Art ; Could not "copying to clipboard" my Accurate rip results effect this ?

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  • Ol'Steve

    • Feb 2014
    • 18

    Corer Art ; Could not "copying to clipboard" my Accurate rip results effect this ?

    When I first started using CD ripper I was pretty diligent about copying the Accurate Rip results
    "to clipboard" . Several hundred successful rips down the road I got into the habit of just hitting OK.

    For some reason I started worrying about how much "memory" copying to clipboard was using up.
    My reasoning was "if I know the rip is good, why did I need to save the report somewhere" particularly
    if the CD was already in the A rip database.

    Could this be the reason the Cover Art placed in the folders (at the time of rip) is not showing up in
    MPad ? Of the over 640 CDs ripped to HD only the few where no Art was found are'nt viewable when
    the HD is sill "mounted" to the PC. I've tried various setting changes within MPad & only a handful of these same covers are showing.up.

    So, is it possible that not selecting "Copy to Clipboard" is the reason the Art is'nt showing up ?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Corer Art ; Could not "copying to clipboard" my Accurate rip results effect this

    The clipboard is just a temporary memory, the accuraterip results might take up 5KB, when your computer might have 4,000,000KB of memory. Copying new information to the clipboard replaces the old.

    Missing art is most likely down to mpad, rather then anything else.


    • Ol'Steve

      • Feb 2014
      • 18

      Re: Corer Art ; Could not "copying to clipboard" my Accurate rip results effect this

      We'll, "Bullox" (don't know the sp. of this word) to MPad then. I've tried numerous MPad suggestions from various
      Forums to no avail.

      It's been suggested that the cover art issues may be the result of the updates made to the current MPad version. The
      previous version that I'd installed on another iPad I had worked better. I paid for that version, but it worked pretty
      flawlessly with my dBPa rips on my HDs.

      I tried to find this older version, but no luck. I did'nt mind paying a fee for an app that works. The new free version works
      but not as well.

      So, Apple...which app is worth more?


      • Ol'Steve

        • Feb 2014
        • 18

        Re: Corer Art ; Could not "copying to clipboard" my Accurate rip results effect this

        Hi, I'm embarrassed to admit it but I'm a "Numbskull".

        On the homepage you must access to start the Auraliti player, the nice folks did a nice job of explaining how to
        setup the player so it works pretty flawlessly. The problem is you can get the player to run great with out following all
        the steps to completion . Which is what I did for about 2 years now.

        As it turns out it is clearly outlined that for MPaD to find the Folder.jpgs all that needs to be done is to type in
        "http://auraliti-player.local/Music" as the URL address above "Folder.jpg" (in the advanced dropdown menu) &
        if dBPa put a cover art folder with the rip the cover will show up on MPaD.

        Pretty amazing what you can accomplish when you actually follow directions. I guess it was'nt that big a deal because
        having a cover does'nt make things sound better, but it sure is easier to locate CDs a lot faster if you're searching through
        several hundred CDs

        & I had the nerve to curse the control program

