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Getting songs in a particular playback order to play smoothly

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  • Sossity
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2010
    • 162

    Getting songs in a particular playback order to play smoothly

    Since it seems only single questions at a time are addressed, I will make a new thread from a previous one I have recently started.

    Here goes, I have been trying to get an error free rip from a particular troublesome CD that is hard to find, and is a live recording.

    The original has songs in their order.

    I found a copy of this album/CD, but it is by a different company, the songs are all the same, but they are in a different playback order from the original.

    I have tried ripping the altered copy, & then switching all the tracks to the same order as the original, but it did not quite work.

    How do i get the track order from the copy to be in the order as the original & playback seamlessly like the original?
    Last edited by Sossity; January 02, 2014, 04:59 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Getting songs in a particular playback order to play smoothly

    If you edit the tags and set the track number and edit the filename to set the correct track number, then it should be in correct order.

