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CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

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  • Irish Demon

    • Nov 2013
    • 4

    CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

    So I'm in the process of ripping 1000+ CDs that I've had for years, and after ripping about 3500 songs, I went back to play a few and noticed some wouldn't play, and would even cause WinAmp to lock up. Using VLC and the file will play fine, but it's identified as FLAC, not MP3. Looking at a file with MP3Diags and there are lots of errors... Anyone have this issue before? I've noticed that once the process writes a track as a FLAC, the rest of the tracks on the CD are written as FLACs. I should also note that I'm ripping with multiple drives and multiple instances of CDRipper at once. Is there an easy solution aside from seeking out each song and either converting it to MP3 or re-ripping it?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

    If you start a cd ripper and it sets to flac then the others will, so start all cd rippers at the same time, set all to mp3 and leave open whilst ripping.


    • Irish Demon

      • Nov 2013
      • 4

      Re: CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

      I had 3 instances of CDRipper running. All 3 windows were left open while they were ripping, with only Chrome being the only other program running. Two instances of CDRipper were always set to encode MP3's, and the 3rd was mostly set encode MP3's, but occasionally it would be set to encode FLACs. The drives are all different makes and speeds, and one is also an older USB external drive (Asus BW-12B1ST, Samsung SH-224, Dell HL-DT-ST external) . This is on a fully patched Windows 7 64bit system with 32 gigs of ram installed and a 3.5 GHz i7 3770k processor.

      It seems like that if any of the instances of CDRipper are changed from MP3 to FLAC, there's a bug present and the output of the other instances gets confused and corrupted until all of the instances are using the same encoder.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

        That is right, if you change one CD ripper, they all change, it is how it was designed.


        • Irish Demon

          • Nov 2013
          • 4

          Re: CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

          Then I'd say this still a bug, as it doesn't properly write the FLAC files in other instances, nor is there any indication that the encoder has been changed mid stream. It might be better to lock/disable the option to change the encoder while other instances are running, or better yet make each instance independent so that process A doesn't silently affect process B.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44847

            Re: CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

            If you create a profile in CD Ripper, one called mp3 and one FLAC, then you can switch between the 2 and it should not effect the other CD Ripper (as it would be using the other profile).


            • Irish Demon

              • Nov 2013
              • 4

              Re: CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

              Originally posted by Spoon
              If you create a profile in CD Ripper, one called mp3 and one FLAC, then you can switch between the 2 and it should not effect the other CD Ripper (as it would be using the other profile).
              Unfortunately, this appears to be untrue. It doesn't seem to matter if profiles are used or if manually changing the encoder under the default profile - other instances of CDRipper change mid rip to the other encoder.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44847

                Re: CDRipper randomly writing FLAC instead of MP3?

                Will mark as a bug to look at for R15 beta.

