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CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

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  • bch

    • Nov 2013
    • 8

    CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD


    I have just purchased DBpoweramp 14.4 Reference and have started ripping my 500+ CD collection to uncompressed Flac. All standard UK albums rip fine - metadata is correctly extracted from Accuraterip database and all details such as CD title, Track titles and Artists are correctly tagged to the ripped tracks.

    However, when I try to rip non-standard UK albums (details not in online databases/accuraterip, etc.), dBpoweramp is unable to read any of the metadata from the CDs. I have tried a few CDs (Scandinavian compilations, etc.) and dBpoweramp is unable to extract/read any of the metadata from them. When I try and open the same CDs in Windows Media Player on the same PC, it is able to find all the metadata from the CDs and correctly display CD title, Track titles and Artists. In the dBpoweramp metadata selection I have obviously ticked the "CD-Text", "CD-ISRC" and "CD-UPC" options, but this makes no difference and dBpoweramp only lists Titles as "Track 1", "Track 2", etc.

    Am I missing something here - is there another setting that needs to be selected? None of the CDs are scratched or damaged.

    I have configured dBpoweramp settings using the guide in

    PC details:

    - Dell OptiPlex 755 with Windows 7 32-bit, fully patched
    - CD drive: PBDS -CDRWDVD DH-48C2S

    It would be a major pain if I have to manually type in all the metadata information for each album...........

    All help is most appreciated.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

    There are gaps in the 5 databases we use, WMP uses a different database (so whilst there will be discs in WMP which it cannot recognize, dBpoweramp would).


    • bch

      • Nov 2013
      • 8

      Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

      Hi Spoon,

      Thanks for reply.

      I have now tested one of the CDs on a friend's computer (Windows XP SP3 and dBpoweramp 14.2 Reference). The metadata on the CD can be read by dBpoweramp there (I guess from the CD itself). I have also disconnected the network cable on my PC and tried the CD again in WMP and all the metadata can be seen (CD name, artists and track names). I wonder why my 14.4 Reference cannot read the same data from the CD itself, even though it might not be able to find it in an online database....?



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

        I am not sure, as programs will have a cache for metadata, disconnecting cable after read might not indicate if it is on the internet or disc. If wmp had album art then it is 100% from internet as cdtext does not have such.


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

          Metadata on CD itself is rare. In my > 5,000 CDs only a handful have CD TEXT on the CD itself, so they require metadata from an online source in order to populate the metadata tags.


          • terrysan

            • Nov 2013
            • 4

            Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

            I also would like to see greater support for reading CD-TEXT information to extract artist, album and title information and place it as tags when ripping. I have several thousand cd's of live shows, populated with this information. I was very meticulous that CD-TEXT information be filled out, and would like to benefit from this past effort rather than re-create what is already there but inaccessible. About one in ten will show up from the various meta-data sites, but I know the information is on the cd's and it shows up on other players or queries. Is there a way to have the ripper read CD-TEXT only and bypass all meta-data searches?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

              Meta Drop Menu (in CD Ripper) >> Retrieve from >> CD Text


              • terrysan

                • Nov 2013
                • 4

                Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

                I'm sorry, I omitted some "details". I get it to work fine with CDRipper, and not with batch ripper. In CDRipper, all meta providers options are unchecked except CD-Text and cdplayer.ini. All options in Meta Providers unchecked in batch ripper. Any CD is recognized with artist, album, and title from cd-text in CDRipper, but "unknown artist" as part of a batch. Am I missing a setting?

                Thanks for your help and for one of my favorite programs!


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

                  Batch Ripper has no provision to read CD-Text as far as I know.


                  • terrysan

                    • Nov 2013
                    • 4

                    Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

                    Agreed, yet that is what would be useful to me. I was hopeful that since batch ripper uses CDRipper as a resource, and CDRipper has the ability when managed manually, that the same funcionality would be available with the automation of batch ripper. So far all I have found that comes close to working is to use batch ripper to feed the drive, and manually press "rip" in CDRipper. This defeats the productivity. I understand your reasoning for not having an autorip capability in CDRipper, but if the functionality of batch ripper does not provide for reading CD-text, and reduced to transporting media to the drive, I am not clear why the cd-text would not available for the ripper. What is the disconnect that prevents this? Is there a work-around?


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44844

                      Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

                      Batch ripper gets its own metadata (it does not use CD Ripper for that), CD-Text was never added.


                      • terrysan

                        • Nov 2013
                        • 4

                        Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

                        Got it. Any recommendations for an efficient way to mine the information that exists as cd-text (also applicible to bch who started the thread maybe) and upload it to one of the metadata services that batch ripper would subsequently recognize?


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44844

                          Re: CDripper not able to read Metadata from CD

                          Only by manually doing it in cd ripper.

