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Setting default to "Front Album Cover" instead of "Artwork 1" in ALAC files

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  • Sapagrino

    • Nov 2008
    • 24

    Setting default to "Front Album Cover" instead of "Artwork 1" in ALAC files

    I have ripped a sample track using 4 formats: FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, and Wave.

    Examining the results (using right-click==>edit ID tag) , I see that the FLAC, AIFF and Wav files have described the embedded jpg cover art as "Front Album Cover". However, the ALAC file describes that same image as "Artwork 1".

    When ripping ALAC files, can the description of the cover art be set to default to the same descriptor ("Front Album Cover") as the default used for FLAC, AIFF and Wav?

    Thank you.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Setting default to "Front Album Cover" instead of "Artwork 1" in ALAC files

    ALAC (m4a) has no provision for storing the type of artwork, just the art work (as far as I can see).

