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How can I get WAV and AIFF to include the entire "2012 02 06" rather than "2012"

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  • Sapagrino

    • Nov 2008
    • 24

    How can I get WAV and AIFF to include the entire "2012 02 06" rather than "2012"

    I have previously ripped a sample track using 4 formats: FLAC, ALAC, AIFF, and Wave.

    The value assigned to "Year" in the CD Ripper window was "2012 02 06"

    The option to "Force no date on year" is correctly NOT checked.

    Examining the results (using right-click==>edit ID tag) , I see that the FLAC and ALAC files correctly show 2012 02 06, but the WAV and AIFF files show only "2012".

    How can I get WAV and AIFF to include the entire "2012 02 06"?

    Thank you.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: How can I get WAV and AIFF to include the entire "2012 02 06" rather than "2012"

    They both use ID3v2.3 tags and it is not allowed to have such in the tag (only year).

