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1 out of 16 Insecure Rip

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  • Eck0da

    • Jun 2013
    • 1

    1 out of 16 Insecure Rip


    The following question is probably a newbie question since I am new to this but its something I don't understand. I thought maybe someone could explain it to me or help me out. I have this CD which I am trying to rip the audio if in flac uncompressed format which pretty much succeeds a part from this problem:
    The rip status shows that 15 out of 16 songs has been ripped secure, 1 being insecure which is in this case the *2 track of the album.

    Rip status shows: ''grey cross AR'' meaning its not in accurate rip which might be possible because its quite a new release. Right behind that it shows ''green v mark SECURE''
    This goes for those 15 tracks that were ripped with succes.

    That *2 track rip status shows: ''grey cross AR'' + ''red cross INSECURE''

    The log shows the following:

    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 2' to 'C:\Users\zero\Desktop\Tricky - False Idols (Deluxe Edition)\Tricky\2013 – False Idols (Deluxe Edition)\02 – Nothing Matters.flac'
    ** Reached Secure Rip Time Of 1 Minutes
    Track 2: Ripped LBA 12001 to 27250 (3:23) in 1:00. Filename: C:\Users\zero\Desktop\Tricky - False Idols (Deluxe Edition)\Tricky\2013 – False Idols (Deluxe Edition)\02 – Nothing Matters.flac
    Insecure [Pass 1 & 2]
    Insecure [Pass 1 & 2]
    ** Reached Secure Rip Time Of 1 Minutes

    Could someone explain to me why and how this happen and why it only happened to 1 track? Also is there any possibiliy to make sure this stops happening?
    I have never experienced this with any of my rips which were about 14.

    If there is anything unclear please let me know, I appreciate the help...
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: 1 out of 16 Insecure Rip

    If it isolated to one disc, it is likely that that disc either has scratches or manufacturing defects.


    • Porcus
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Feb 2007
      • 792

      Re: 1 out of 16 Insecure Rip

      Originally posted by Eck0da
      ** Reached Secure Rip Time Of 1 Minutes
      It gave up because you configured it to give up after merely one minute. If re-ripping is necessary, it won't be done in a minute. Maybe you don't want it to go on for hours in vain (which could be the case if you use the 'no abort' setting).

      It does depend a bit on how fast your drive is and how long your tracks are. I have a few CDs with one single track, and even with only a few frames to re-read, it could easily take half an hour or more.

      Also it depends on how patient you are, of course; if you have many discs to rip, then I would use a low number, leave the troublemakers in a separate pile and re-rip them at the end, first using a different drive and then maybe leave ripping overnight. It wears your drive a bit though, but I think that is what they are there for (and I have pulled a lot from end-of-life computers).

