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a few q's...

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  • crucifyd

    • Apr 2013
    • 24

    a few q's...


    Thanks for all your replies and information. Here are a few for you.

    1. if you rip a disc that is not in AccurateRip on one drive and get 100% secure rips then rip it on a different drive which gives you 100% AccurateRip (based on your own previous submission) is it considered a perfect rip because of the different drive?

    2. some discs say "CD in AccurateRip" then will only rip as Secure...why would that be?

    3. when a disc is ripped 7 out of 10 AccurateRip (or something similar) and the others are secure is that just because the secure tracks have not been submitted to AccurateRip?

    4. what would you say the odds of a secure rip being accurate are? (I'm assuming the difference is often just that the secure rip has not been submitted to AccurateRip)?

    5. does a rip that required re-rips (secure rip with green i ) indicate the same end result as a rip that did not require any re-rips (secure with green check )? in other words, in the end, is there any difference between these two rips?

    6. would you agree that a rip that results in an error () is still at least as good as a non-secure (burst mode) rip?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: a few q's...

    1. Very close to, although it is obviously better to match against someone else's disc.
    2. AR might only have a different pressing which cannot be used.
    3. I would have to see the whole log
    4. A secure rip means it is not verified by accuraterip, but the drive thinks it is ok, I would guess the error rate on this is around 1:100
    5. As you rely on the drive any of them could contain unknown errors
    6. Errors are bad in that the drive cannot read a whole section of the disc, a burst rip should give the same error.


    • Porcus
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Feb 2007
      • 792

      Re: a few q's...

      Originally posted by crucifyd
      6. would you agree that a rip that results in an error () is still at least as good as a non-secure (burst mode) rip?
      Have you configured to mark as error if insecure? I don't say it is wrong, it is a matter of taste, but it affects your question.

      First, do not check the box for interpolating over unrecoverable frames - that leads to audible glitches (it interpolates an entire frame, not just samples), and should only be used if the alternative really sounds worse.

      Apart from that: The insecures are most likely at least as good as a burst. Could be better. (Re-reading could recover some but not all errors.) If it is so bad that it produces glitches, then you might want to try different configurations and listen for the least annoying. A different drive is usually your best shot.

      But: some really damaged discs might not get any output at all when dBpoweramp goes in secure mode. They will result in Error, but no audio. Obviously this isn't better than a burst, which might cut through and at least give you the entire song with a few interpolations.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: a few q's...

        Errors could as simple as 1 sample out of place and could be not heard.

        You would need to rip that disc in a different make of drive and compare accuraterip CRCs to have an idea of what is going on. To me it looks like your rip has errors.

