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Annoying Popping Noise at the beginning of each music track

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  • JUST.B

    • Nov 2012
    • 13

    Annoying Popping Noise at the beginning of each music track

    Hi, I have been ripping my cds to flac files, but I have noticed whilst playing music through popcorn hour over hdmi cable, that just before the track starts there is a popping noise.
    I was wondering why this is and how do I get rid of it ?
    Help would be much appreciated
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Annoying Popping Noise at the beginning of each music track

    It is possibly the popcorn is either non-gapless or is not decoding the flac file correctly, you can try the flac files in foobar on your pc to see if it can play the files without issue.


    • JUST.B

      • Nov 2012
      • 13

      Re: Annoying Popping Noise at the beginning of each music track

      Ok thanks Spoon I will try Foobar


      • JUST.B

        • Nov 2012
        • 13

        Re: Annoying Popping Noise at the beginning of each music track

        Hi Spoon, I tried music tracks on Foobar and Flac files played back ok, so must be like you said popcorn hour not playing Flac files properly.
        Thanks for that, for a moment I thought I was going to have to rerip all the cds I ripped but they must be ok then.

