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PerfectTunes accuraterip : track different length than cd original for all my library

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  • PhilippeH

    • Nov 2012
    • 2

    PerfectTunes accuraterip : track different length than cd original for all my library


    I have ripped all my library (1108 ablbums) using Windows Media PLayer on Windows 7, all in WMA losseless format.

    I have recently installed PerfectTunes accuraterip. It says for all my albums except 2 tracks corrupted : "Cannot Check : track different length than cd original".

    I have also tested an album ripped by someone else, afert converting it in WMA losseless, and the result is the same.

    Any idea ?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: PerfectTunes accuraterip : track different length than cd original for all my lib

    WMA Lossless has a bug with any player which is not Microsofts own, in that some files decode and are missing samples off the end, if it is missing samples then it appears as though the file did not come from a CD.


    • PhilippeH

      • Nov 2012
      • 2

      Re: PerfectTunes accuraterip : track different length than cd original for all my lib

      Originally posted by Spoon
      WMA Lossless has a bug with any player which is not Microsofts own, in that some files decode and are missing samples off the end, if it is missing samples then it appears as though the file did not come from a CD.
      Is there a solution for AccurateRip to work with WMA Lossless ?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: PerfectTunes accuraterip : track different length than cd original for all my lib

        If Microsoft fixed their public WMA decoder then the bug would go away, BTW we reported this to Microsoft 8 years ago...

