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Can't make AccurateRip because of some issues (XLD + CDParanoia)

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  • z.0

    • Oct 2012
    • 3

    Can't make AccurateRip because of some issues (XLD + CDParanoia)

    Seems like there's already submitted CD, so I can't make a good rip.
    Can't tell if it's about new CD/DVD drive (Transcend TS8XDVDR - it's in a list) or about incorrectly submitted before by someone.

    The thing is I have now 3 CDs of this album and for all of them two tracks are incorrect.
    X Lossless Decoder version 20121013 (142.0)
    Used drive : TS8XDVDR Transcend (revision 1.67)
    Ripper mode             : CDParanoia III 10.2
    Disable audio cache     : OK for the drive with a cache less than 2750KiB
    Make use of C2 pointers : NO
    Read offset correction  : 6
    Max retry count         : 100
    Gap status              : Analyzed, Appended
    AccurateRip Summary (DiscID: 0009d243-0042ded7-5d085008)
        Track 04 : NG (total 1 submission)
            ->0 track accurately ripped, 1 track not
    Track 04
        Filename : /Users/z/Music/flac/ *** .flac
        CRC32 hash (test run)    : 48094D2C
        CRC32 hash               : DCB7CFC7
            ->Rip may not be accurate.
        CRC32 hash (skip zero)   : 7CE15E71
        AccurateRip v1 signature : 746B3467
        AccurateRip v2 signature : 3E797CF3
            ->Rip may not be accurate (total 1 submission).
            Read error                           : 0
            Skipped (treated as error)           : 0
            Edge jitter error (maybe fixed)      : 2
            Atom jitter error (maybe fixed)      : 1
            Drift error (maybe fixed)            : 0
            Dropped bytes error (maybe fixed)    : 1
            Duplicated bytes error (maybe fixed) : 1
            Inconsistency in error sectors       : 0
    So, what should I try to do in this case?
    Last edited by z.0; October 16, 2012, 12:06 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Can't make AccurateRip because of some issues (XLD + CDParanoia)

    Only 1 submission is in the database, you need to wait until there are more than one which will verify, either your rip or the other guys rip.


    • z.0

      • Oct 2012
      • 3

      Re: Can't make AccurateRip because of some issues (XLD + CDParanoia)

      Well, I did several rips for those tracks separately and few for full album - they were the same for 3 different disks. So, this one submission is not mine. How long does it take usually? I've made one more rip for another album, which isn't yet in DB.

      And what about things like "Edge jitter error (maybe fixed): 2" - should I worry about that?
      Thing is there are our own albums. Problematic one is older (2007) and one not in DB is the latest. We decided to share official lossless releases, so disks are for sure original.


      • pablogm123
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2012
        • 86

        Re: Can't make AccurateRip because of some issues (XLD + CDParanoia)

        Try verifying your rip using a drive based on _different brand of chipset_. For example, it seems that you own a Mediatek based drive (+6 in Accuraterip list), so that you could try a NEC based drive (+48) or Renesas (+667). If both or more drives based on different brand of chipset agrees (outputted identical CRC32), you have a very strong evidence that everything was ripped finely.


        • z.0

          • Oct 2012
          • 3

          Re: Can't make AccurateRip because of some issues (XLD + CDParanoia)

          For now I don't have another drives. Only this external one.
          Plus, I checked with few famous disks from my collection - it was fine, without any issues. New album also done without any "inconsistencies". And "problematic" one is done 100% same for 3 disks.

