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Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

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  • blindjim

    • May 2012
    • 4

    Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

    Sooo.... sports fans, where is this archived list of tried and true CDs which AR can use to square away your dirve with? Being able to peruse such a list first hand ought to shorten the trial and error efforts in finding out which CDs I own that have established AR history. Other's too! may well want to know!

    Also.... how do you enact, enable, or just plain start the testing proceedure for getting your drive accurized, er, setup for the correct offset?

    I'm astonished at just how hard it is to find answers to simply these two questions by Googling for them, and by searching the forums.

    Amazing! is this info on par with National Security or something?


    tremendous thanks for these two anwswers. Thanks muchly.
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5932

    Re: Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

    Edit. Misunderstood question.
    Last edited by garym; May 16, 2012, 04:41 PM.


    • garym
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2007
      • 5932

      Re: Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

      for setup almost any of the hundreds of thousands of CDs issued over the last 25 years will work. If none of your CDs will allow setup, I suspect some other problem.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44827

        Re: Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

        You need one matching Key disc if your drive is known, or 3 matching if it is unknown.

        The list would be too large to publish as it would contain the majority of CDs out there.


        • blindjim

          • May 2012
          • 4

          Re: Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

          Originally posted by Spoon
          You need one matching Key disc if your drive is known, or 3 matching if it is unknown.

          The list would be too large to publish as it would contain the majority of CDs out there.
          Well, I found one.... almost all of my discs are gone now. Packed away and residing on hard drives... only a few dozen or so lay about. I recalled Fourplay Was one of those 'known' discs and it worked. Some appelette or button or info on the setup menu should mention to activate the Accurate Rip setup a known disc must be inserted.

          a data base is a data base... The New York City people have phone books... I believe they are published too! So are L. A.'s, Chicago's, and I'd bet Hong kKong and Paris have them too... there's millions of folks in those places, right?

          So the too big to publlish line doesn't thrill me a lot and as such isn't a valid reply. Online searchable databases contain billions (perhaps) of inputs. How many CD's are now on iTunes?

          So let's get real on that 'too big' or changes too often to publish biz.

          it wouldn't need publishing... just posting!

          Let's face it... all that info is on a server already, somewhere, right?

          Then allow people who have either subscribed to that service, or let's even make it a free come look see thing, which is better still, and show what's up in advance!

          I only went thru about a dozen discs before remembering which one prompted the AR biz... and then spent another hour searching for it. Another hour searching for just this little bit of info about it too online.

          This ain't Black ops and should have far more light sheed upon it than it has now. Think about it... If it were more well known, more people would check it out get interested, and buy or use the Accurate rip ware.

          I'd bet right now... 90% of the public actually believe they are getting accurately ripped files onto their PC, or are making accurately burned CDs. Maybe only half of those actually do care propably, but that leaves a whole lot of people that could become more astute about audio.

          knowledge is the key... If you don't know... you just don't know

          Hmmm... now I do recall a site EAC linked too which gave one the ability to search it for known CDs... though many when I saw it were European, and Jazz, Classical, and World... not much American music at all... but that was five or six years ago, and perhaps more.

          Thanks folks.


          • waller

            • May 2012
            • 4

            Re: Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

            Wow, that is some rant.


            • blindjim

              • May 2012
              • 4

              Re: Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

              Originally posted by waller
              Wow, that is some rant.

              NOpe... not a rant.

              That is the problem with these venues... the emotive and tonal aspects of communication are not infused in the messages or replies very often... unless it is blatantly spelled out.

              Sorry if it seemed that way though. Lengthy perhpas yes, rant? Rail? Nope. just frustration seeking it's solution, and one which is entirely available. Readily. yet is not publicized as apparent as it should be by now.

              Thanks for all the help anyhow. Maybe in a decade or so those in the know will enlighten those who are not by copying and pasting a URL, or jotting down 15 words or less in the HELP or setup document of their program so Q's like this one can be avoided.

              Be well.


              • garym
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Nov 2007
                • 5932

                Re: Where is the Accurate Ripped CD list?

                Originally posted by blindjim
                Thanks for all the help anyhow. Maybe in a decade or so those in the know will enlighten those who are not by copying and pasting a URL, or jotting down 15 words or less in the HELP or setup document of their program so Q's like this one can be avoided.

                Be well.
                But it is already written down, in easy to follow instructions here:

