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Query AccurateRip Database

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  • GamezR2EZ

    • Mar 2012
    • 2

    Query AccurateRip Database

    I have a working program I have created that can currently rip, name (thanks to freedb), and convert an audio cd on Linux.

    I have finally gotten around to configuring all of the read offsets and I am producing the same file from multiple drives after doing some internal error checking/rereading.

    The next step I would like to implement would be to verify these files against AccurateRip. I am not finding any documentation on how to proceed with this. I would imagine I could preform a query in much the same way I do will freedb. How does dBpoweramp, EAC, foobar, ect. go about this? If someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

    On the chance that what I am asking requires some sort of approval, if I could be shown the way to start that process that would be appreciated as well.

    I believe I have provided all relevant information, should you need more, please ask.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Query AccurateRip Database

    See the developer section of this forum.


    • GamezR2EZ

      • Mar 2012
      • 2

      Re: Query AccurateRip Database

      Thank you for the direction. You may be surprised to learn that "AccurateRip query" and variations of that search yield little results and even those are obfuscated. But in any case, I am looking in the right place and I have the proper terms to search to find the information I need now.

      Thanks again,

