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Paste From Clipboard option greyed out - Album Art

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  • relayerman

    • May 2003
    • 23

    Paste From Clipboard option greyed out - Album Art

    In the CD Ripper module why is the Paste From Clipboard option greyed out for adding Album Art from the "+" menu? I have the art in the clipboard as I can paste it anywhere else in Windows, but not in the CD Ripper Album Art section (lower right corner).
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Paste From Clipboard option greyed out - Album Art

    As a test press Print Screen, then it should be ungreyed. The item is only greyed if it cannot find a compatible image format.


    • relayerman

      • May 2003
      • 23

      Re: Paste From Clipboard option greyed out - Album Art

      I'm not sure what constitutes compatible. I can right-click on a JPG in one of my file folders and select COPY which puts it to the clipboard. Option in the Ripper is greyed out. I then select Load (from file) in the Ripper under the "+" menu, navigate to my JPG in my file folder (same file I did the COPY on) and it loads it as album artwork fine.

      There are instances when the Paste from clipboard option is not greyed out, but I can't find the pattern to that.
      Yes, the Print Screen test un-greys it, but not sure what that proves.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Paste From Clipboard option greyed out - Album Art

        > and select COPY which puts it to the clipboard

        No this is putting the filename in the clipboard, not the image (if you rc clicked an image on say this web page)

