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On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

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  • qwertz

    • Jan 2012
    • 8

    On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

    On one can read:

    "Compatibility: ... Linux supported through Wine."

    So it was tested and approved by Illustrate on at least one Linux platform resp. Linux distribution. Which one?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

    Ubunutu, Debian are the main ones.


    • qwertz

      • Jan 2012
      • 8

      Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Ubunutu, Debian are the main ones.
      Thanks for your fast answer.

      But could you please be more specific. What version of Ubuntu or Debian? Which version of Wine was used? Which "CD-ROM Communication" was selected in dBpoweramp?

      I tried really hard to get the dBpoweramp CD Ripper R14.2 (=CDGrab.exe) work under Linux. I tried Fedora 16/64 (Wine 1.3.35) with no success, the CD drive won't be recognized at all ("No CD Drive found").

      After your posting I tried Xubuntu 10.04/32 (Wine 1.2.2) and had only partial success. This is what I've done:
      1. Install Xubuntu 10.04/32
      2. Install Wine (apt-get install wine)
      3. Insert a data CD (This is a tip I have read in this forum.)
      4. Configure Wine (winecfg), auto detect drives
      5. Start the CD ripper (wine C:/.../CDGrab.exe)
      6. Eject the Data CD
      7. Insert an Audio CD
      8. Try to rip the Audio CD

      While the drive is recognized here (but only if a Data CD is inserted when starting the CD ripper) I'm not able to rip any audio CD. I tried the Communication settings "SCSI Pass Through (SPT)", "ASPI", "SCSI Pass Through Read (DB)", no change. This is the error message I get:
      Error ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'C:\users\user\Eigene Musik\JJ72\JJ72\JJ72 - 01 - October Swimmer.flac'
         Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 0  ripping 26 frames   track end LBA 15212)  [clRipperBurst::Rip]
      (I also tried Version R13.5 with the same result.)

      To make this long posting short: Could you please give me an more exact answer to my question so I can try it again with a version of Debian or Ubuntu (and Wine) you have tested successfully? This would be very kind.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

        The option in CD ripper is not important (has to be default SCSI Passthrough), the important bit is setting Wine so the drives are passed as SCSI rather emulated, I forget now where the option is, perhaps search this forum for 'Wine'


        • qwertz

          • Jan 2012
          • 8

          Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

          Originally posted by Spoon
          the important bit is setting Wine so the drives are passed as SCSI rather emulated, I forget now where the option is, perhaps search this forum for 'Wine'
          While searching this forum for "wine scsi" I have only found some postings of yours which suggests the same thing, but I did not get any idea where this setting of Wine could be found. It's not accessible using "Wine Configuration" resp. "winecfg". Furthermore I have searched the Internet about such setting, but with no result. Could you please help me with this?

          Furthermore I tried Xubuntu 10.04 with Wine 1.3.35 and Debian 6.0 ("Squeeze") with Wine 1.0.1. And I tried both of them on a different computer, too, but all my attempts have lead to the same result: I can make the CD drive visible to the CD Ripper with some tricks I have found on this forum, and the CD Ripper is able to identify the Audio CD correctly, but is not able to rip a single track.

          (I have tried all tricks I have found in this forum, too, no matter how pointless they seem, e.g. setting Wine to "Windows NT 4.0", do an entry in /etc/fstab for the CD drive etc.)

          This leads me to my original question: On which Linux platform the dBpoweramp CD Ripper R14.2 has been approved? Please give me a specific Linux distribution, a specific version of it, and a specific version of Wine where the CD Ripper should work. If I install exactly the same distribution and versions, I have a platform to start with investigating.

          But without this information I can only continue with try-and-error attempts, which is very time consuming and frustrating.


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

            in this new thread, two different users happen to support all the details of their setups with linux and wine and all works. see the details here:

            Hello all, I've been using dBpoweramp Reference V13 and now V14 under Linux Ubuntu/Wine successfully for a while now and everything works perfectly except for one thing: submitting AccurateRip results in CD Ripper. I am able to read the AccurateRip database to verify my rips but sending my results back simply fail


            • qwertz

              • Jan 2012
              • 8

              Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

              Originally posted by garym
              in this new thread, two different users happen to support all the details of their setups with linux and wine and all works.
              I know this thread, but unfortunately some details may be missing. For example one user uses Ubuntu 10.04 and Wine 1.3.x - I tried this combination (on two different computers), too, but failed. So maybe there is some extra setup needed to get this combination work? For example what about the SCSI setting Spoon is talking about?

              What I'm missing is a detailed description on how a user got the CD Ripper working with his version of Linux and Wine, so other user like me can benefit from that. (If I get it to work successfully, I would be glad to do such description, and if other users would do, too, we could build up some kind of database for making dBpoweramp working with Linux.)


              • qwertz

                • Jan 2012
                • 8

                Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

                I just tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 instead of Xubuntu 10.04, just to see if this makes any difference. Unfortunately it does not, I'm still not able to rip tracks.

                Spoon, I begin to wonder why it's such a secret on which Linux platform dbPoweramp R14.2 has been approved. "Compatibility: ... Linux supported through Wine.", so you (or one of your testers) must have tried it at least with one Linux distribution. Which one, which version, and which version of Wine, the one from the default repositories (which is for example 1.0 on Debian and 1.2 on Ubuntu), or the one from the repositories (means: 1.2 or 1.3)?

                And how do I setup "setting Wine so the drives are passed as SCSI rather emulated"?


                • BorisPlankton

                  • Nov 2012
                  • 12

                  Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

                  Originally posted by qwertz
                  I just tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 instead of Xubuntu 10.04, just to see if this makes any difference. Unfortunately it does not, I'm still not able to rip tracks.

                  Spoon, I begin to wonder why it's such a secret on which Linux platform dbPoweramp R14.2 has been approved. "Compatibility: ... Linux supported through Wine.", so you (or one of your testers) must have tried it at least with one Linux distribution. Which one, which version, and which version of Wine, the one from the default repositories (which is for example 1.0 on Debian and 1.2 on Ubuntu), or the one from the repositories (means: 1.2 or 1.3)?

                  And how do I setup "setting Wine so the drives are passed as SCSI rather emulated"?
                  I would like to second this as I have been unable to get working on Ubuntu 12.04LTS and 13.04. I can use workaround to get CD drive recognised but I cannot get any album art at all.
                  Linux users beware I guess. The statement over compatibility should be withdrawn or reworded to make it clear under what criteria DB works. If I am unable to get full functionality do I get discount/refund?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44844

                    Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

                    We removed the statement about compatibility with Wine many months ago.


                    • matka

                      • Oct 2013
                      • 3

                      Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

                      Originally posted by BorisPlankton
                      I would like to second this as I have been unable to get working on Ubuntu 12.04LTS and 13.04. I can use workaround to get CD drive recognised but I cannot get any album art at all.
                      Linux users beware I guess. The statement over compatibility should be withdrawn or reworded to make it clear under what criteria DB works. If I am unable to get full functionality do I get discount/refund?
                      I used this tread to set p Ripper under Mint 15 ( Ubuntu 13.04 ) and wine 1.4.1 I do get the cover and full metadata, no problem. Secure rip method works as well. Sometimes wine loses cd configuration, just go to wine config and do the drive autodetect (assuming that you added cdrom to /etc/fstab)



                      • BorisPlankton

                        • Nov 2012
                        • 12

                        Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

                        Originally posted by Spoon
                        We removed the statement about compatibility with Wine many months ago.
                        Thanks that is obviously the right thing to do. However it certainly was there when I purchased initially and when I upgraded to multi-user. The question still remains on what criteria was your initial statement based on then perhaps I could get the software I have bought working properly or you could offer me a refund perhaps? Incidentally I was wrong earlier the CDS are not even being ripped adequately let alone the album art.
                        Kind Regards,
                        Last edited by BorisPlankton; October 05, 2013, 09:40 AM.


                        • BorisPlankton

                          • Nov 2012
                          • 12

                          Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

                          A bit more.
                          This is your response on another thread concerning Linux compatability issue in late August. The WINE statement was certainly there then, although as you say the testing was done 'many years ago' so I guess any criteria would be pointless now.
                          I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to get this to work. I am happy to negotiate on refund but I certainly feel I should have the multi user element refunded as I cannot use this software outside of my Vitual windows enviroment so it is useless on my additional Linux pc and laptop.
                          Kind Regards,

                          'Re: CD Ripper & WINE: Audio CDs not detected

                          It was tested many years ago with Linux...and it worked 100%

                          the trouble is, there are many different types of linux, if an earlier version works (on disc detection) but a later one does not, then that suggests it is the linux that has the problem, not only would dbpoweramp be affected, but every CD ripper running through wine.'
                          Last edited by BorisPlankton; October 05, 2013, 09:28 AM.


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

                            This post before your 2 posts was moderated (so you would not have seen).


                            • BorisPlankton

                              • Nov 2012
                              • 12

                              Re: On which Linux platform the dbPoweramp CD ripper has been approved?

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              This post before your 2 posts was moderated (so you would not have seen).
                              Thanks. However does not resolve for me. But it has helped me set up EAC which does work fine and gets metadata which is quite peverse!
                              I really do not have/am not prepared to devote any more hours to this.
                              Grateful if you would consider refund for extended registeration. Windows is working fine.
                              KInd Regards,

