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Disks that won't rip

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  • martycol

    • Dec 2011
    • 30

    Disks that won't rip


    I am busy ripping my entire collection, and have found a few CDs that refuse to rip. poweramp detects them OK and displays the tracks etc, but each track shows "error" when ripped. The CDs are in good condition, and play OK on any CD player. One of them is even a double CD, and neither disk will rip!

    Any advice please?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Disks that won't rip

    At the end of ripping the disc, does a page show giving detailed error information?


    • martycol

      • Dec 2011
      • 30

      Re: Disks that won't rip

      yes - each track shows "error writing to FLAc.......track ripped insecurely", as below:

      "Error ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to '\\DISKSTATION\music\Coldplay\X&Y\01 Coldplay - Square One.flac'
      Track Ripped Insecurely.

      and also:

      Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to '\\DISKSTATION\music\Coldplay\X&Y\01 Coldplay - Square One.flac'
      ** Aborted: Have to ReRip 176 Frames, Re-Rip Limit Set to 100 Frames


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Disks that won't rip

        The disc has errors, even if there are no scratches it can be manufacturing defects.

        It is possible a different CD drive might be able to rip that CD.


        • martycol

          • Dec 2011
          • 30

          Re: Disks that won't rip

          Ok Thanks - I was wondering about trying to somehow copy it and then ripping from the copy?



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Disks that won't rip

            Would not make any difference, as the copy would contain the errors, which no ripper would ever be able to correct (as they are encoded in the audio stream).


            • Mr Frog

              • Jan 2012
              • 6

              Re: Disks that won't rip

              Hi, just purchased the dbpoweramp software and spent days ripping 100's of CD's in FLAC lossless format for storage on NAS drives. I seem to have a problem with about 20 CD's - mainly R.E.M. (e.g. Automatic For The People, Green etc). The discs are clean and undamaged and play fine in every CD player/CD Drive I own. However, when ripping, it reports in excess of 20,000 frames that need to be re-ripped for each track - which would take forever.

              C2 is disabled

              Just wondered whether a different extenal drive would make any difference for these 'problem discs' or whether they have some form of protective marking that prevents them being ripped? Copywriting etc?

              I can't imagine that I have 20 faulty CD's - especially since they are visibly perfect and play on a CD player etc

              Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


              • garym
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Nov 2007
                • 5936

                Re: Disks that won't rip

                I've ripped thousands of CDs, and some brand new out of cover have the problems you note. In 99.9% of these cases, I rip on another computer or a different CD ROM drive on same computer and all works fine. So CD ROM reader DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE.


                • Mr Frog

                  • Jan 2012
                  • 6

                  Re: Disks that won't rip

                  Thanks Gary, possibly the drive then

                  Can anyone recommend a more suitable external drive that I can plug (USB) into my Samsung laptop for ripping purposes?


                  • ronks

                    • Oct 2010
                    • 5

                    Re: Disks that won't rip

                    I'm not so sure it is the drive in every case. I just tried to rip a set of 3 audio CD's from Warner Classics, and both drives which work fine elsewhere go into that re-rip neverland that takes forever. I'm suspecting it may be some form of copy protection.


                    • ronks

                      • Oct 2010
                      • 5

                      Re: Disks that won't rip

                      I take that back. Two of the three disks (Lugansky/Rachmaninoff) are almost unplayable and won't rip in less than a month, but the third sailed through the ripper in a few minutes without error. Looks like bad disks, I used the same drive every time.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Disks that won't rip

                        Having one or two cheap extra drives (but from different manufacturers) is often helpful.

                        Make sure the drive you are choosing has a different offset, that means the internals are almost certainly different.


                        • Mr Frog

                          • Jan 2012
                          • 6

                          Re: Disks that won't rip

                          Great - thank you
                          Are there any specific makes/models that are recommended?


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: Disks that won't rip

                            Any except the Sony optiarcs.


                            • qwertz

                              • Jan 2012
                              • 8

                              Re: Disks that won't rip

                              Originally posted by martycol
                              "Error ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to '\\DISKSTATION\music\Coldplay\X&Y\01 Coldplay - Square One.flac'
                              Track Ripped Insecurely.
                              AFAIK the first edition of X & Y by Coldplay was copy protected in many countries, e.g. Germany. (For that reason I ordered this CD in UK when it was released, because the UK edition did not had a copy protection.) Maybe that's the problem here!?

