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Is this ripped accurately?

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  • andywd

    • Nov 2011
    • 5

    Is this ripped accurately?

    I have ripped many cd's in the past with no problems... all 'accurate' rips.

    Now I am ripping some odd discs that I believe are not in the accurate rip database.

    Here is info from one of the tracks

    Information ripping to [Multi Encoder], 'Track 16' to 'G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\Tales from the Perilous Realm; Leaf by Niggle\16 - Leaf by Niggle 08.IGNORE'
    Track 16: Ripped LBA 285705 to 304331 (4:08) in 7:27. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\Tales from the Perilous Realm; Leaf by Niggle\16 - Leaf by Niggle 08.IGNORE
    AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1 & 2, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 26 Frames]
    CRC32: 5151EDF9 AccurateRip CRC: B3B900E1 (NEW) [DiscID: 016-00270a43-01d6d21c-e30fd910-16]

    What does this mean exactly? Is this an accurate rip?
    I've searched the site and cannot find a guide to all the meanings in the info logs...

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Is this ripped accurately?

    You cannot be sure, normally if all other tracks verified against AccurateRip and one did not, and the confidence is greater than 3 you can be sure your rip has the error. As the confidence is 2, it it a little hit and miss, but is likely your rip has the errors.


    • andywd

      • Nov 2011
      • 5

      Re: Is this ripped accurately?

      Ok, thanks.

      Once again though... is there any guide out there on how to read everything in the log?

      I seem to be having this trouble a lot with a particular box set. These are brand new cd's.
      Also what exactly does it mean to have 'errors' in a rip.
      When I play back the file it sounds perfect???

      Here is a complete log from one of the troubled cd's

      dBpoweramp Release 14 Digital Audio Extraction Log from Tuesday, November 22, 2011 06:08 AM

      Drive & Settings

      Ripping with drive 'D: [PIONEER - BD-RW BDR-205 ]', Drive offset: 667, Overread Lead-in/out: No
      AccurateRip: Active, Using C2: Yes, Cache: None, FUA Cache Invalidate: No
      Pass 1 Drive Speed: Max, Pass 2 Drive Speed: Max
      Ultra:: Vary Drive Speed: No, Min Passes: 1, Max Passes: 2, Finish After Clean Passes: 1
      Bad Sector Re-rip:: Drive Speed: Max, Maximum Re-reads: 60

      Encoder: [Multi Encoder] -enc1="FLAC=-compression-level-5 -verify" -encMopt1=" -tofolder={mqt}G:\Music\flac\{mqt} -dynamic={mqt}[artist]\[album]\[track] - [title]{mqt}" -enc2="mp3 (Lame)=-b 320 -encoding={mqt}SLOW{mqt}" -encMopt2=" -tofolder={mqt}G:\Music\mp3\{mqt} -dynamic={mqt}[artist]\[album]\[track] - [title]{mqt}"
      DSP Effects / Actions: -dspeffect1="ReplayGain=-albummode={qt}0{qt}"

      Extraction Log

      Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 25175 (5:35) in 1:48. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\01 - A Burglar Indeed.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1]
      CRC32: CA8DDEF7 AccurateRip CRC: EB956306 (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-1]

      Track 2: Ripped LBA 25175 to 49555 (5:25) in 1:36. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\02 - Bard the Archer.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 189 Frames]
      CRC32: 21104AA6 AccurateRip CRC: 863FF795 (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-2]

      Track 3: Ripped LBA 49555 to 73122 (5:14) in 1:32. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\03 - The Raven's Warning.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 292 Frames]
      CRC32: 0C18346F AccurateRip CRC: C5DE9457 (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-3]

      Track 4: Ripped LBA 73122 to 86432 (2:57) in 0:47. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\04 - The Besiegers' Terms.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 82 Frames]
      CRC32: C3325F5A AccurateRip CRC: A1340540 (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-4]

      Track 5: Ripped LBA 86432 to 109480 (5:07) in 1:09. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\05 - Bilbo's Plan for Peace.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 19 Frames]
      CRC32: 2A8A228C AccurateRip CRC: 264C9716 (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-5]

      Track 6: Ripped LBA 109480 to 120510 (2:27) in 0:31. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\06 - Thorin's Rage.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 9 Frames]
      CRC32: FE473196 AccurateRip CRC: BD73D50C (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-6]

      Track 7: Ripped LBA 120510 to 141860 (4:44) in 0:57. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\07 - Dain's Arrival.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 10 Frames]
      CRC32: FD7EE282 AccurateRip CRC: A2553D08 (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-7]

      Track 8: Ripped LBA 141860 to 159882 (4:00) in 0:52. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\08 - The Battle of Five Armies.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 97 Frames]
      CRC32: 5AEDF58E AccurateRip CRC: 9EFEF8E3 (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-8]

      Track 9: Ripped LBA 159882 to 176482 (3:41) in 0:47. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\09 - Farewell to the King Under the Mountain.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 89 Frames]
      CRC32: A1FC9598 AccurateRip CRC: A9F4E245 (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-9]

      Track 10: Ripped LBA 176482 to 189920 (2:59) in 0:41. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\10 - The Return Journey Begins.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 120 Frames]
      CRC32: 4CEBB091 AccurateRip CRC: 591FDB3E (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-10]

      Track 11: Ripped LBA 189920 to 218812 (6:25) in 1:26. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\11 - At Rivendell once more.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 243 Frames]
      CRC32: 8D98E9A3 AccurateRip CRC: 56A563AE (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-11]

      Track 12: Ripped LBA 218812 to 240025 (4:42) in 0:55. Filename: G:\Music My Rips\J.R.R. Tolkien\BBC The Hobbit Disk 4\12 - Epilogue.IGNORE
      AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 2) Secure (Warning) [Pass 1, Ultra 1 to 1, Re-Rip 58 Frames]
      CRC32: 9EB9F844 AccurateRip CRC: 0E5035FE (NEW) [DiscID: 012-001847d7-00debf35-a90c800c-12]


      12 Tracks Ripped: 1 Secure, 11 Secure (Warning)


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Is this ripped accurately?

        as every track cannot verify against AccurateRip it is safe to say that AccurateRip cannot be used for this disc.


        • andywd

          • Nov 2011
          • 5

          Re: Is this ripped accurately?

          Ok... but I would assume that chances are since its a brand new disk that everything is probably fine.
          I would imagine that if I really wanted to test its validity I could simply re-rip on another pc with another cd drive and compare?

          But once again... just trying to get a grip on how the whole log works.

          On the 'accurate rip'.... the ones posted above were all inaccurate but the confidence was only 2... lower number the better in this case?

          But I also got 'Secure' but with a warning... so is this saying that it is probably ok but with a small chance there are errors?

          Also about the 're-rip'. Generally this does not happen when I rip... is this in part because of the cd being unknown in accurate database?

          One final question... what does the IGNORE mean at the end of each track name?

          Thanks for your help.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Is this ripped accurately?

            Verifying on a 2nd PC is a good step

            The are chances of small errors when not verified by AccurateRip, re-rip is down to errrors, sometimes is can be c2 pointers enabled on an drive which has bugs in its implementation of c2 pointers.

            IGNORE is because you are encoding to a virtual codec (multi-encoder), which then encodes to others.

