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Rip well but encoding is very slow

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  • highgate

    • Nov 2011
    • 7

    Rip well but encoding is very slow

    I am using Secure to Rip to Apple lossless. It rips well but the encoding is very slow.
    running on 4 CPU. It took me more than 30- 60 min to complete one CD.

    Coversion test and internet connection were both perfect.
    also tried reinstall . still the same probelm.
    :(:(I am using AGV antivirus etc.
    Plse help.:(
  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

    You say if you change the encoder to Test Conversion it completes fast? Say 5 to 10 minutes?


    • highgate

      • Nov 2011
      • 7

      Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

      Originally posted by mrspoonsi
      You say if you change the encoder to Test Conversion it completes fast? Say 5 to 10 minutes?
      Test conversion flies by beutifully.
      BTW, I am on Win 7 Premium home addition. Ram usage look high to me (at 70%) as I am doing just th posting now.


      • dbfan
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Jan 2011
        • 937

        Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

        Possibly the anti virus is requiring that extra memory allocation, how much memory do you have?


        • highgate

          • Nov 2011
          • 7

          Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

          Originally posted by mrspoonsi
          Possibly the anti virus is requiring that extra memory allocation, how much memory do you have?
          i have 2GB of RAM installed running on 64 Bit OS.
          I temporarily off the AGV. ram usage drop by abt 10%.
          It still takes abt 25- 30 min to rip and encode a 35 MIN cd.
          Notice from Rip status that the CPU tends to hang at 99% for quite a while.
          Again, it rips well but the encoding is still slow. What's next?
          Should I double the RAM?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

            Try ripping to Wave, set the ripping mode as 'Burst', not secure (which might get stuck with an overread), if that works fast then select your previous encoder and re-time.


            • highgate

              • Nov 2011
              • 7

              Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

              I leave the AVG on and rip a 13:42 min CD with the following results:

              1) WAV (Burst) : 3:25 min. The encoding is very fast.
              2) Apple lossless ( Burst) : 9:30 min
              3) Apple lossless ( Secure): 9:40 min

              Is the problem lies with the coding format?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44844

                Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

                an extra 5 mins to encode to Apple Lossless, I would not say that is a problem (depending on CPU), the problem was your rip taking 60 minutes as per the first post.


                • highgate

                  • Nov 2011
                  • 7

                  Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

                  I double my ram to 4GB and rip two CDs at apple lossless/secure. Results are as follows:

                  1) 32:56 use up 23 Min
                  2) 36:44 use up 24:10 min

                  Is this the best that I can get? Any further tweak that I can do to improve the performance time.
                  I observe that the encoding always stalled when it reaches 99% . very often it stayed there for a few min just to cross over into 100%. So even if it is 1 min per track, for a say 10 tracks CD, the stalling time alone is 10 min. any reason for this?


                  • highgate

                    • Nov 2011
                    • 7

                    Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

                    I believe I solve the problem.:smile2:
                    It has got nothing to do with the software. It is the data trasmission speed of my wireless network that is causing the long encoding time!
                    At first , I pointed my encoded file direct to my wirelessly connected NAS. It is painfully slow as I have reported earlier. I guess the read/write process is limited by the network speed.
                    Then, I decided to point my rip and encoded file to a folder sitting on the harddisk of my laptop.(bypass the network)
                    Now It is real fast. Let me share the results :
                    CD 1 (59:05) rip and encode in less than 5 min
                    CD 2 (44:17) rip and encode in 7 min.

                    Then I move my ecoded file to the wirelessly connected NAS and that only take up a few min per file!!
                    Hope my experience is useful to others


                    • Black Johnny

                      • May 2010
                      • 5

                      Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

                      you beat me to it. I was just going to ask if you were ripping directly to your NAS! This means that you are dependent on network speed during encoding, and that can be very slow on wireless.
                      I always rip and encode to my local hard drive, and then copy the FLACs to my NAS


                      • highgate

                        • Nov 2011
                        • 7

                        Re: Rip well but encoding is very slow

                        thanks for your help to reconfirm my thot.
                        I was bother with this for a week. Now I can go back to enjoy the ripping /encoding. Most importantly, the music:smile2:

