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Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

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  • bbear

    • Nov 2011
    • 3

    Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

    I purchased Reference Release 14.2 and have been using it for a few weeks now and have been very impressed so far. I have a small problem however that I have been unable to figure out from the FAQ and the forums, it involves the album art.

    I have had no problems with the CD ripper finding the correct album art, however if I rip two CDs by the same artist (two completely different albums, not two CDs from a two-CD set), the ripped tracks end up in the same folder, but only one jpg album art is saved. Then when I stream the FLAC to my media server, I see all the tracks but it shows the same album cover for every single track which is by the same artist.

    How do I configure the ripper so that a separate album art is saved for each CD? Do I have to go in and manually change the path each time so each CD is ripped to a slightly different named folder?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

    You have changed the naming? by default tracks are ripped to an [album] folder so folder.jpgs are seperate


    • BrodyBoy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2011
      • 779

      Re: Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

      Originally posted by bbear
      Do I have to go in and manually change the path each time so each CD is ripped to a slightly different named folder?

      No, you only need to set it once. But as Spoon suggested, you have to include the [album] folder in the naming scheme. It's in the default scheme, so I'm guessing you've created a custom scheme and forgot to include the [album] folder.


      • bbear

        • Nov 2011
        • 3

        Re: Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

        Originally posted by BrodyBoy
        No, you only need to set it once. But as Spoon suggested, you have to include the [album] folder in the naming scheme. It's in the default scheme, so I'm guessing you've created a custom scheme and forgot to include the [album] folder.
        thank you BrodyBoy and Spoon for your help.

        I recall that when I first configured the CD Ripper I changed the drive from c: to h: as I was running out of space on c: It sounds like I must have inadvertently deleted the [album] in the folder path.

        When the CDs are ripped, the track names includes the album name, so it didn't occur to me that I had messed up the path setting. I will check again tonight when I have access to my computer.

        Is it possible that you could reply to this message with an example of what the folder path needs to look like? Is it just something like h:\dBpowerampRips\[album] ?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

          The folder path should be just:


          click the naming button and click also 'Set Default' to return to default.


          • BrodyBoy
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Sep 2011
            • 779

            Re: Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

            Originally posted by bbear
            Is it possible that you could reply to this message with an example of what the folder path needs to look like? Is it just something like h:\dBpowerampRips\[album] ?
            Think of "Path" + "Naming" as the entire path for each file you rip. "Path" is the part that's common to every file, while "Naming" is the part that organizes & names them. So the "Path" setting should just point to your default music location, not album-specific information. n your case, the "Path" dialogue would be:

            Then the "Naming" scheme defines the album-specific organizing and naming info. The most basic naming scheme would look like this:
            [artist]\[album]\[track] - [title]

            With that, dbpoweramp knows to create all your subfolders under the "dbpowerampRips" folder on your H: drive. Each artist gets their own folder, and each album gets its own subfolder under that. So let's say you rip a couple Bob Dylan albums. The organization would look like this:

            .....Bob Dylan\
            .........Blood on the Tracks\music files and album art
            .........Blonde on Blonde\music files and album art

            As you can see, each album folder contains its own unique album art. The [artist]\[album] organizing scheme is pretty standard because it's a very intuitive way to organize albums. (Note that you can add all sorts of custom info to the naming scheme....those can get really elaborate and complex!....but the basic [artist]\[album] organization usually remains.)
            Last edited by BrodyBoy; November 09, 2011, 09:22 PM.


            • bbear

              • Nov 2011
              • 3

              Re: Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

              thanks for your help, it is working fine now.

              I checked the 'Naming' field and could see that it was set to the following:

              [IFCOMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],Various Artists[]\[album][IFMULTI] Disc [disc][]\[track] [artist] - [title][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[artist] - [album][IFMULTI] Disc [disc][] - [track] - [title][]

              I have no idea where that big long naming string came from. I wonder if it is as a result of upgrading from the basic to the reference version.

              Anyway, I then clicked on the 'Set' button and selected Default. After this I could see that it had changed to the following:

              [IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[IFCOMP]Various Artists[][IF!COMP][artist][][]\[album]\[track] [artist] - [title]

              Note, when click ‘ok’ it shows ‘save in dynamic artist folder’ for the ‘Naming’ field


              • BrodyBoy
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Sep 2011
                • 779

                Re: Two CD's, same Artist, how to save separate artwork for each?

                Just a word of caution- When you include an [IFCOMP] branch in your naming scheme, just be careful that the compilation flag is correctly set for any album you rip. Unfortunately, it isn't always correct by default. If that scheme above is used, any album that has the compilation flag set (whether or not it's intentional or accurate), will get organized under "Various Artists." If you're not careful, you can end up with things like Greatest hits albums, or an artist's boxed set, being filed under Various Artists.
                Last edited by BrodyBoy; November 10, 2011, 04:57 AM.

