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Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

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  • todd.worstell

    • Nov 2011
    • 5

    Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

    My PC crashed completely, had to rebuild a new one. Still have all the files from the dbpoweramp program location. I need to figure out which one contains the ripping settings profiles. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to set up all the codecs, naming conventions, options, etc. I would hate to go through all that again. Please tell me there is a way to get it all back from a file, thanks.
  • BrodyBoy
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Sep 2011
    • 779

    Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

    Profile settings are saved in the registry, under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Illustrate\dbpoweramp\C DRipper\Profiles.
    Last edited by BrodyBoy; November 05, 2011, 04:03 AM.


    • todd.worstell

      • Nov 2011
      • 5

      Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

      Thanks for the information but the problem is that I have no access to the registry that was on my system. I had to wipe out the entire C drive and install a new operating system (Win 7). However, my drive had a seperate partition on it for installed programs like dBpoweramp. All of the files from the original install of dBpoweramp are still there. I was really hoping the profiles were stored in one of those files. If the profiles are only stored in the registry, I guess I am out of luck and will have to redo them from scratch.


      • BrodyBoy
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Sep 2011
        • 779

        Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

        Unfortunately, I think so. :( I agree that it would be far preferable, for a number of reasons, to have a settings/configuration file somewhere that we could back up and use when moving/restoring our installations.....particularly when we've purchased the Family Pack. I feel your can take a lot of time and effort to get the naming schemes set up and working the way you want.

        It doesn't help you now, of course, but a makeshift "back-up" approach is to export the dbpoweramp registry settings. It's a terrible way to have to back up, because most people should probably never set foot in the registry. But until a configuration file is added, I think that's all we've got.


        • BrodyBoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2011
          • 779

          Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.


          Would it be difficult to have the dbp configuration settings and profiles stored somewhere like Roaming AppData? This seems to be a common approach for many programs, and it certainly makes it easier to access, save, and restore personal settings.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

            Many scripts, etc access the registry settings direct, at this stage we cannot change without forcing everyone to update all programs (and codecs) and anyone who uses dbpoweramp themselves direct to update.


            • BrodyBoy
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Sep 2011
              • 779

              Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

              Thanks for the replay. I'm sure you've gotten that feature request before, so I'll just second the motion.....


              • todd.worstell

                • Nov 2011
                • 5

                Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

                Spoon - I understand why you don't want to change because it would be difficult. But couldn't you at least make it so you could export the settings to a text file or something? I know you could do this manually but there is high chance of a typo. Maybe you couldn't automatically import it but at least you would have them recorded somewhere in case your drive crashes. I set my dbpoweramp up almost 2 years ago and it took hours and many rips to get it right. I don't look forward to doing it all over again and there is no guarantee I will get everything back the way I had it.


                • BrodyBoy
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Sep 2011
                  • 779

                  Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

                  Until that feature is added, I think your best bet is to just export the dBpoweramp section of your registry. At least that way, you get all the settings, accurately saved.


                  • todd.worstell

                    • Nov 2011
                    • 5

                    Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

                    BrodyBoy - well, I guess I will do that in the future once I get everything set back up. My problem in this post though was that I could not access my registry at all. My PC failed and I had to rebuild it from scratch, no way to access anything until after the rebuild. Things got so bad I had to do a fresh install and reformat the C: drive. But I had dbpa install on a seperate partition which was still there after the rebuild.


                    • BrodyBoy
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Sep 2011
                      • 779

                      Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

                      I know....that was clear from your earlier posts. (That's why I agreed, unfortunately, that you were out of luck trying to rescue that info this time. :() But the conversation turned toward the broader question of whether dBp might be able to implement a solution that makes profile backups easier in the future. I'm sure many users would like to see that.


                      • Cmcc0rd

                        • Dec 2018
                        • 8

                        Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

                        My desktop PC&*8217;s power supply failed and fried my motherboard. Fortunately it did *not* damage the system&*8217;s hard drive. I had configured dbpoweramp batch ripping on the old system with a nimbie autoloader to rip songs to multiple formats. I have clean re-installed dbpoweramp, the ripper, nimbie drivers, etc. on a new pc. I have also put the old system's hard drive in a USB enclosure so it is accessible by the new system.

                        I would really like to copy my specific batch configuration files from the old system&*8217;s hard drive to the new system. From the notes above it looks like this is do-able given that I still have access to my old hard drive. While I am not a total novice I am definitely not a windows expert. Would someone please walk me through the steps to copy the registry entries I need to copy (for dbpoweramp, batch ripper, etc.) from the old disk to my new system? Fyi, both are win 10 pro. Also are there any other files in AppData, etc. which I would need to copy? I have seached the forum and didn't find this info- apologies if it is already out there - if so, please send me a pointer to it.

                        More detail: I had configured Dbpoweramp batch ripper to use a nimbie autoloader to read disks then output songs to an external hard drive in flac, mp3, apple lossless, and apple lossy by format by author by album. It has been 2 years since I did these configurations -- I would have to completely re-learn/re-create them so I would really appreciate it if I could copy my old configuration files over.

                        Thank you in advance for any assistance.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44844

                          Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

                          The settings are stored in the registry which is not easily available if no access to old machine.


                          • LazLong

                            • Nov 2008
                            • 39

                            Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

                            Originally posted by Cmcc0rd


                            I would really like to copy my specific batch configuration files from the old system&*8217;s hard drive to the new system. From the notes above it looks like this is do-able given that I still have access to my old hard drive. While I am not a total novice I am definitely not a windows expert. Would someone please walk me through the steps to copy the registry entries I need to copy (for dbpoweramp, batch ripper, etc.) from the old disk to my new system? Fyi, both are win 10 pro. Also are there any other files in AppData, etc. which I would need to copy? I have seached the forum and didn't find this info- apologies if it is already out there - if so, please send me a pointer to it.


                            Thank you in advance for any assistance.

                            Having access to the old hard drive, you can pretty easily extract the dBpoweramp settings from your old hard drive. You can accomplish this by loading the User Profile settings from your old machine with a registry editor and exporting the Illustrate key, as described above, located here:

                            HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Illustrate\dbpoweramp\C DRipper\Profiles

                            Here's the first reasonable explanation on how to accomplish this that Google provided me:

                            Learn how to use Windows' built-in offline registry editor to fix registry issues with Windows 10 even if Windows won't boot!

                            Just export the key detailed above and then copy the file to your new system and load it into your user settings. Be aware that this will REPLACE your existing settings, so you might want to back them up first.

                            In the future, when moving to a new machine, you could accomplish this by copying over the user profile directory from your previous system. This would capture all of your app settings stored in your user registry keys and the App data directory. It's not too difficult. Google on copying a Windows profile from one machine to another. However, this is something you need to do when you are first moving to a new system, before you start installing apps. Once on the new machine, you will have to change the file permissions/ownership to match the SID of your user on the new machine using icacls. Google will show the way.

                            A more automated way to accomplish this is with a tool by LapLink called PCMover. It will copy your profile, and selected apps and data from your old system to your new one.

                            Hope this helps.



                            • bujiraso

                              • Mar 2021
                              • 8

                              Re: Where are ripper settings stored? Built new PC, need to transfer settings.

                              It's great to see that there are ways of doing this, but I would much prefer having dBpoweramp export this to a text file that I could back up onto Google Drive for when I inveitably refresh my system.
                              Messing with OS level functions is never a joy and having the multiple sources (registry, app data) makes it a little annoying. I've also read that registry settings don't import by another user on the forums. Can anyone confirm?

                              To Spoon, for those of us who have access to our settings now and would like an export, does this seem like a clear and reasonable feature request? The import would be required, too, of course

