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current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

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  • Sossity
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2010
    • 162

    current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

    I got a little confused reading in another thread about this, & someone mentioned that the current Apple lossless option in dbpoweramp is a reversed enginerred, & it seems that the new codec that will be opensource is differet from the apple lossless option now

    is there a difference? or are they the same?

    I dont want to go converting anything & using up my time until dbpoweramp has the official open source apple lossless format.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

    Lossless is lossless, there will be no differences to the quality.


    • Sossity
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jan 2010
      • 162

      Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

      So it is compatable now? is there any reason to wait to do some converting of my flac to mac apple lossless files?


      • BrodyBoy
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Sep 2011
        • 779

        Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

        Originally posted by Sossity
        So it is compatable now? is there any reason to wait to do some converting of my flac to mac apple lossless files?
        As I responded to you in one of the other threads where you've asked the same question, I can confirm that the existing ALAC encoder in dBp is compatible. I've used it on tens of thousands of files and never experienced a single problem.

        And as Spoon said, lossless is lossless. By definition, the quality cannot be different.


        • tester

          • Oct 2011
          • 9

          Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

          I think the apprehension comes from the fact that the current version of the dBpoweramp ALAC codec is reverse engineered. In another thread Spoon has stated there will be no compatibility issues, but it would be nice if someone could look at the apple code and confirm that the reverse engineering was in fact done correctly (which is what I expect). Code differences would be along the line of Y = a + b versus Y = b + a.


          • BrodyBoy
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Sep 2011
            • 779

            Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

            Don't thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands or more) of files successfully converted without issues qualify as evidence that it was done correctly?


            • tester

              • Oct 2011
              • 9

              Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

              I am quite certain that you are correct. However if I were the one doing the reverse engineering, followed by the code being made public, I would be curious to compare notes.


              • tester

                • Oct 2011
                • 9

                Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

                One more point that I want to bring up. Successful conversion today doesn't guarantee that Apple won't make a change that results in future compatibility issues. Granted a low probability of occurrence, but worth doing a source comparison now that its available.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44845

                  Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

                  dBpoweramp will always be able to read those files, even if Apple were to make a change, at that time you could encode ALAC >> ALAC to correct, but it is highly unlikely


                  • tester

                    • Oct 2011
                    • 9

                    Re: current version of apple loss option is it the new open source version?

                    Thanks for the reply.

