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Some pre-purchase questions...

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  • TaperChuck

    • Sep 2011
    • 1

    Some pre-purchase questions...

    I have not yet bought this product. I loved it until my 21 days (all features enabled) ran out.
    I have some questions before I purchase...

    If I buy the $26 version and find I need the $38 version can I upgrade from the middle version to the more expensive version for $12?

    Does the $26 version automatically tag ripped tracks from CD's like the full version?

    Does the add-on dBpoweramp-Codec-[Tag_From_Filename].exe work with both paid versions? I'm confused as to how it works. Does it tag a file based on the name you gave the file?

    Example file name:

    01 Grateful Dead - Bertha.FLAC

    ...will the [Tag_From_Filename] add-on use that file name to tag the file (by right clicking the file in the context menu?) or is it more complicated than that?

    I have to say that this program has already saved me a lot of time when ripping my massive CD collection to FLAC files on my media server.
    I'm less than half way through and need answers to the questions before I but the program to do the rest.

    Thanks in advance,

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Some pre-purchase questions...

    The $26 version does not include metadata whereas the $38 one does

    Tag from Filename works with both

