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AccurateRip offset detection for purged drives (EAC)

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  • scudtheman

    • Sep 2011
    • 3

    AccurateRip offset detection for purged drives (EAC)

    Anyone else realize how worthless this function is? I have at least 5 of the discs shown here but that's not good enough for accurate rip, even though they are completely flawless and perfect legitimate discs. Unfortunately I happen to have a purged drive, sucks for me, I guess I'll have to return it unless there's some way to get the offsets.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: AccurateRip offset detection for purged drives (EAC)

    Keep trying discs until it keys with an offset, you need 3 matching discs where there are not other pressings in the database.


    • scudtheman

      • Sep 2011
      • 3

      Re: AccurateRip offset detection for purged drives (EAC)

      Well I tried my whole CD collection, many quite popular ones too. No luck there. I'm returning this drive on monday, so my question now is that this new drive I want to get is NOT on the drive database at all see here . If I were to get this new drive, which is not on the database, would I encounter the same problem I did with my purged drive? Would it ask me for 3 CD's to verify the offset?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: AccurateRip offset detection for purged drives (EAC)



        • scudtheman

          • Sep 2011
          • 3

          Re: AccurateRip offset detection for purged drives (EAC)

          Thanks. In my opinion the offset detection method is deeply flawed and not very friendly. Most of the pressings on that list are for European prints, so no wonder not a single cd out of my 300+ collection worked. The method needs to be abolished and replaced with a practical solution or there needs to be added a couple thousand more reference CD's to the list so people with non-listed (newer drives) or purged drives worldwide will be able to use the software more easily. If there's any way that I could contribute to list of reference cd's I'd be more than happy to if instructed how.
          Last edited by scudtheman; September 04, 2011, 09:56 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: AccurateRip offset detection for purged drives (EAC)

            There are 1 million reference CDs, not all can be used if there are other pressings in the database, the list you gave is not the AccurateRip one.


            • Oggie-BenDoggie

              • Sep 2011
              • 9

              Re: AccurateRip offset detection for purged drives (EAC)

              I have this sister-drive of the one you purchased ( and it took only one disc to configure. (Mine's actually a Panasonic (Matshita) UJ890AS and it's worked fine.) Which drive/manufacturer came in your Rosewill??

              Edit: Sorry, I didn't read your post clearly enough. I noticed that you haven't yet bought the one from Newegg. Good luck with your purchase!
              Last edited by Oggie-BenDoggie; September 05, 2011, 05:01 PM.

