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Bug report: some filenames get no tag information written.

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  • efnar

    • Aug 2011
    • 1

    Bug report: some filenames get no tag information written.

    I am using dbPoweramp Registered Reference Release 14.2.

    I was interested in getting rid of '.' characters from my file names, so I added it to the "File Name Restricted Characters" list, and replaced it with a '_' character. That largely worked, but then it replaced the '.' in the extension as well. This wasn't what I wanted, but was easily fixable with a short unix script
    This is a bug, I suppose, but not my main problem.

    This configuration then results in a flac file that happens to not have the extension ".flac" (or, indeed, any extension). In this situation, the tag information (which it most certainly downloaded from AMG at 8 cents per CD) is SILENTLY not written out to the file, which makes absolutely no sense. If I remove this substitution, it successfully writes the tag.

    I now have something like 500 disks worth of files with no tags at all, which makes be profoundly, profoundly unhappy.

    If anyone happens to have suggestions on how to automatically add tag information to the files (without re-ripping), I would surely appreciate it.
    Last edited by efnar; August 07, 2011, 06:18 AM. Reason: Included version of dbPoweramp
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Bug report: some filenames get no tag information written.

    Only by re-ripping will you get meta data if it was not in the files.

    I will make a note of this issue for R14.3


    • Porcus
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Feb 2007
      • 792

      Re: Bug report: some filenames get no tag information written.

      Originally posted by efnar
      I now have something like 500 disks worth of files with no tags at all, which makes be profoundly, profoundly unhappy.

      If anyone happens to have suggestions on how to automatically add tag information to the files (without re-ripping), I would surely appreciate it.
      As Spoon points out, you cannot with dBpoweramp. You might try a tagging program, but none that I know of will use Allmusic (which is one good reason for buying dBpoweramp).

      What you can do, is use mp3tag (free of charge from, import all files, extract tags from filenames (giving you artist name, album title, track title, track numbers) and then -- album by album -- pick from freedb or MusicBrainz or Discogs. I'd say Discogs is the best source second to Allmusic in terms of coverage, and if a release is in the Discogs base, it provides IMO better data than Allmusic.

      This way you will only have to search up each album. If you are even satisfied with freedb data, the procedure is as simple as (1) mark the tracks (2) click a button (3) either hit Enter or choose match.

